pashehnet 0.1.1

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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pashehnet 0.1.1

Provides a simulated sensor network (SSN) framework for publishing to a target
system. The package implements both an API and command line interface to provide
this service.
This README is intentionally short for tl;dr purposes. Full documentation can be found here.
If available from a package repository:
pip install pashehnet

Otherwise you can install directly from the GitHub repo:
pip install git+

First, fork the repo if not a current maintainer, or clone if you are! :)
Make sure your virtual env is up-to-date:
pip install --upgrade pip wheel setuptools

Install package in dev/editable mode:
pip install -e .

Install dev environment dependencies such as pytest, flake8 and supporting deps for tests:
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt

Keep in mind that even if you already have a virtualenv configured from a previous
fork/clone, its dependencies could be out of date so re-running the installs should
bring your virtualenv current.
You can leverage environment variables within code or CLI config files for sensitive
data you don't want to check into a repo. This is always a going concern for any code
that requires client/server configuration. Please be careful to never add security
credentials to a commit as they're nearly impossible to permanently remove from a repo after
the fact.
For MQTT broker config, we typically define the following env vars and use them in our code/configs:


We like the cross-platform direnv tool and have a gitignore exclusion for
its files, but you do you! :upside_down_face:
Opening a Pull Request (PR)
Pull requests are a git workflow for managing branch merges with reviews and
tests. You can read more about them in the GitHub docs. Before opening a PR
please make sure the following commands complete locally without errors in your
local dev environment as they will block a PR if not:
# Run linter
flake8 src/ tests/

# Run all unit tests
# Note we disable deprecation warnings for the time being;
# there's a method to the madness
pytest -W ignore::DeprecationWarning


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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