passworktest 0.0.2

Creator: railscoder56

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passworktest 0.0.2

About the API
Passwork API lets you retrieve, create, update passwords, folders and vaults. It is an easy way how you can integrate Passwork with your infrastructure. Use our Passwork Python Connector to make the integration smoother. The API operates behalf of the user whom API Key is used.
Check for all available methods in
Passwork API Methods
How to install
⚠️WARNING the connector will not work with python version less than 3.10
git clone .
pip install -r requirements.txt

Environment variables
The following environment variables are required for operation:
HOST: The address of the API server, like https://.../api/v4
API_KEY: Your API key for authentication, instructions for obtaining below
MASTER_PASSWORD: Client-side encryption key. Only add it when client-side encryption is enabled
Several available options for storing environment variables:

.env file
run/debug configuration (IDLE)
system environment variables


Sign in to your Passwork
Menu → API Settings
Enter your authorization key and generate the API Key

Use method login() on instance of PassworkAPI class to retrieve a temporary API Token.
An API token is a session token. It is valid as long as you are accessing the API. After it expires, you will need to log in again.
API Token Lifetime can be set up in your Passwork.
The retrieved API token is stored as an instance variable named session_options within the PassworkAPI class and is subsequently sent in an HTTP header.
Step-by-step guide
Create session (common step for all operations)

Create instance of API connection and open session.

from package.passwork_api import PassworkAPI

# A way to overwrite the specified data in environment variables or not use environment variables at all
options_override = {
"host": str(),
"api_key": str(),
"master_password": str(),

api = PassworkAPI(options_override=options_override)
# api.logout() # close session after all operations with Passwork API

Password search by parameters

Fill data in search_params dict template with searching parameters to search_password method

search_params = {
"query": "",
"tags": [],
"colors": [],
"vaultId": None,
"includeShared": False,
"includeShortcuts": False,

Search password

found_passwords = api.search_password(**search_params)

Get full password info
NOTE PASSWORD_ID must contain the identifier of the target password, in the example a non-existent identifier is specified

Get password and vault items

PASSWORD_ID = "0123456789abcdefghijklmn"
password_item = api.get_password(password_id=PASSWORD_ID)
vault_id = password_item.get("vaultId")
vault_item = api.get_vault(vault_id=vault_id)

Receive vault password and password encryption key

vault_password = api.get_vault_password(vault_item=vault_item)
password_encryption_key = api.get_password_encryption_key(

Receive password customs, password plain text and download attachments

password_item["custom"] = api.get_customs(


password_plain_text = api.get_password_plain_text(

Show full password info in readable format

full_password_info = {
"password": password_item,
"vault": vault_item,
"vaultMasterKey": vault_password,
"passwordMasterKey": password_encryption_key,
"passwordPlainText": password_plain_text,

pretty_data = json.dumps(full_password_info, indent=4)

Add password
NOTE If VAULT_ID is specified, the PASSWORD_ID variable may be empty.
Without specifying of VAULT_ID, the identifier of the vault where the password with id = PASSWORD_ID is stored will be taken.
The identifiers PASSWORD_ID and VAULT_ID in the example are non-existent.

Receive vault item and vault password

PASSWORD_ID = "0123456789abcdefghijklmn"
VAULT_ID = "0123456789abcdefghijklmn"

vault_id = VAULT_ID if VAULT_ID else api.get_password(password_id=PASSWORD_ID)["vaultId"]
vault_item = api.get_vault(vault_id=vault_id)
vault_password = api.get_vault_password(vault_item=vault_item)

Fill data in password_adding_fields dict template

password_adding_fields = {}

Add password

added_password_info = api.add_password(password_adding_fields, vault_item, vault_password)
logger.success(f"Password with id {added_password_info['id']} has been added")

Delete password
NOTE PASSWORD_ID must contain the identifier of the target password, in the example a non-existent identifier is specified

Delete a password by its id

PASSWORD_ID = "0123456789abcdefghijklmn"

Examples and algorithm of work with the connector
Examples here
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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