PasteBunny 0.180331a0

Creator: bradpython12

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PasteBunny 0.180331a0

# PasteBunny
PasteBunny is a Pastebin API wrapper, the first wrapper I’ve seen to do the most basic stuff such as storing the user key on its own.

### Features

Post pastes
Delete pastes
Getting user data
Getting trending pastes

### TODO

Read lists of pastes into PasteBunny.Models.Paste objects
Read user data into PasteBunny.Models.User object

### Dependencies
Synchronous client:
`sh $ pip3 install requests `
Asynchronous client:
`sh $ pip3 install aiohttp aiodns cchardet asyncio `
### Installation
Installation is as easy as running the, I don’t know how to add it to PyPip so…, too bad.
`sh $ git clone $ python3 install `
### Examples
Look at the and
### Why did I make this?
It just looks better than the other wrappers I have seen, in a bigger project I was to keep track of too many variables and frankly there was no need to have 3 of them related to a Pastebin wrapper, hence these client classes do it somewhere you won’t have to worry about it.
Also none of the were using the https API URL’s, and this one is


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