pathtub 1.1.2

Creator: railscoder56

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pathtub 1.1.2

🛁 pathtub
Reading and editing Windows PATH variables and ensuring python finds your DLLs.
    ✅ Ensuring that a folder exists in Path.
    🔗 Ensuring that DLL(s) are found by python.
    🧽 Cleaning the PATH (duplicates, removed folders, sorting)
    ✏️ Adding or removing folders to/from Path (temporary or permanently)
pip install pathtub


Ensuring folder is in PATH
Ensuring that DLL(s) are found
Cleaning PATH
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Getting path variables
Adding permanently to PATH
Removing permanently from PATH
Checking if folder is in PATH

✅ Ensuring folder is in PATH
from pathtub import ensure
folder_to_add = r'C:\something to add to path\folder'
# 1) Check Process PATH
# 2) Add to Process PATH if not found
# 3) Add also to User PATH (permanent), if 2) happens
ensure(folder_to_add, permanent=True)

What is ensure()?
ensure(folder) checks if folder is in Process PATH

If folder is in Process PATH, does nothing
If folder is not in Process PATH, adds it to Process PATH
If folder is not in Process PATH and permanent=True, adds also to the User PATH or System PATH, depending on the permanent_mode.

⚠️ If you want to ensure a DLL folder is visible to python, use ensure_dll instead.
🔗 Ensuring that DLL(s) are found
from pathtub import ensure_dll
dll_folder = r'C:\path to\libusb-1.0.21\MS32\dll'

ensure_dll() is for making sure that python finds needed DLL's (and the DLL's find their dependencies, if any.)
You may use ensure_dll and forget_dll for adding and removing dll folder to/from search path.
See also: Example of using ensure_dll and forget_dll

🧽 Cleaning PATH
from pathtub import clean
# Default parameter values shown
clean(sort=True, remove_non_existent=True, remove_user_duplicates=True)

What does it do

Removes duplicates and empty entries (;;) from the "User PATH" and "System PATH" (trailing backslash neglected when comparing two folders). Editing "System PATH" needs that python is executed with Admin rights.
Sorts PATH(s) alphabetically (optional, enabled by default). Controlled with the sort parameter.
Removes folders from PATH(s) that do not exist on the filesystem (optional, enabled by default). Controlled with the remove_non_existent -parameter.
Removing from "User PATH" the entries that are in the "System PATH" (optional, enabled by default). Controlled with the remove_user_duplicates-parameter.

Screenshots of User PATH before and after clean:

For more detailed example, see Full example of pathtub.clean
Full documentation of clean() is in the source code (

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