pathtype 1.0.0

Creator: railscoder56

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pathtype 1.0.0

pathtype: Validate paths in command line arguments
The pathtype Python package makes it simple to validate paths in command line (CLI)
arguments. It's made to be used with the argparse argument parser. It can validate
the existence of the file, its permissions, its file name, file extension, etc. With
pathtype, you keep path arguments validation inside the command line parsing logic,
away from your core application code.
Use it as the type argument in parser.add_argument() to automatically have a CLI
path argument validated and returned as a pathlib.Path instance.
It works with Python 3.7+, both with Posix and Windows paths.
import argparse
import pathtype

if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
# We use `pathtype.Path` as the `type` argument to validate that the --image
# argument is a readable image file (checks the file extension).
"--image", required=True,
help="Image file to open (PNG, GIF or JPEG supported)",
type=pathtype.Path(readable=True, name_matches_re=r"\.(png|jpe?g|gif)$")

# Path validations are done automatically by calling the next line, no need to
# add code to validate that the path can be read and that it has the correct
# extension.
args = parser.parse_args()

# args.image is an instance of pathlib.Path. And since using `readable` implies
# `exists`, we know the file already exists and is readable by the current user.
# True

pathtype requires Python 3.7+.
Install with pip:
pip install pathtype

Using pathtype.Path without any arguments simply converts the CLI argument to a
pathlib.Path instance:
"my_arg", type=pathtype.Path()

args = parser.parse_args()
print(type(args.my_arg)) # >>> <class 'pathlib.PosixPath'>

But you will generally also want to run some validations on the properties of the path.
Predefined validations (basic usage)
Multiple validations are available to have the path validated during CLI arguments
parsing. If a validation fails, argument parsing will fail in the usual manner. If
it succeeds, the argument will be converted to a pathlib.Path instance.

To validate that...
use ...

the path points to an existing file or directory

the path does NOT point to an existing file or directory

the path's parent directory exists

the file can be created (*)

the file can be created or, if it already exists, it's writable (*)

the current user has some permissions on the file or directory (*)
pathtype.Path(readable=True, writable=True, executable=True)

the file name (the last part of the path) matches a regular expression

the file name matches a glob pattern

the full (absolute and normalized) path matches a regular expression

the full path matches a glob pattern

(*) All permission related validations use the current user's permission. For example,
the creatable validation validates that the user running your code has permissions to
create the file. Ignored on Windows.
Combining validations
You can combine multiple validations together.
Validate that the path is a text file (*.txt) that doesn't exist yet, but that the
current user has permissions to create the file (implies that the parent directory
type=pathtype.Path(not_exists=True, creatable=True, name_matches_glob="*.txt")
args = parser.parse_args(["--file", "path/to/my_file.txt"])

Custom validation (advanced usage)
You can also create your own custom validations (or "validators") and use them alone,
or in combination with the predefined validations.
Making a custom validator
A custom validator is a callable object (generally a function) that has the
following signature:
def validator(path: pathlib.Path, arg: str) -> None

The validator must accept two arguments, path and arg, that are two views of the
original CLI argument. If the original CLI argument was "../path/to/file", then
path = pathlib.Path("../path/to/file") and arg = "../path/to/file".
If the validator considers that its validation failed, it must raise one of the
following exception:


Raising any other type of error won't be nicely handled by argparse.
If its validation passes, it must end without returning anything.
Using a custom validator
You use the validator by passing it to the validator parameter of pathtype.Path().
You can also pass an iterable (ex: a list) of validators, and they will be executed
The next example creates two (strange) custom validators: one that validates that the
file name contains the letter "a", the other validates that the file name doesn't
contain the letter "b". The command line argument --path-1 uses only the first
validator, the command line argument --path-2 uses both.
def must_have_a(path: pathlib.Path, arg: str):
"""Custom validator that fails if the file name doesn't contain the letter 'a'."""
if "a" not in
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('The file name must have the letter "a"')

def must_not_have_b(path: pathlib.Path, arg: str):
"""Custom validator that fails if the file name contains the letter 'b'."""
if "b" in
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('The file name must NOT have the letter "b"')

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
type=pathtype.Path(validator=[must_have_a, must_not_have_b])

Using predefined validations with a custom validator
You can still use any of the predefined validations (as presented in the "basic
usage" section) when using a custom validator.
The following would validate the existence of the file and run a custom validator.
type=pathtype.Path(validator=must_not_have_b, exists=True)

Warning: Validators in validator are always run after any of the predefined
validations. So in the previous example, the existence of the file is validated
first and only then the custom validator is executed.
If you need to change the order, you would have to remove exists=True and instead
add an "existence" validator to your list of custom validators, in the order you wish.
But you don't need to recreate validators for any of the predefined validations. They
are all available in the pathtype.validation module. Just instantiate a class and
use it like a custom validator.
The following changes the order of validation of the previous example: first the
custom validator is executed before validating the existence. The latter validator is
simply an instance of pathtype.validation.Exists.
from pathtype.validation import Exists

exist_validator = Exists()

type=pathtype.Path(validator=[must_not_have_b, exist_validator])

Logical combination of validators
The classes pathtype.validation.Any and pathtype.validation.All allow you to create
validators that are logical combinations of other validators (i.e. OR or AND

Any: an instance of this class, initialized with a sequence of validators, is a
validator that will pass if any of its validators passes, and fail if they all
fail. Equivalent to an OR expression.
All: Similarly, an instance of this class is a validator that will pass if all
of its validators pass, and fails if any fails. Equivalent to an AND expression.

Those two classes can be used to create complex validation trees.
We create a validator that validates that the file name contains "a" OR that it
doesn't contain "b":
from pathtype.validation import Any

or_validator = Any(must_have_a, must_not_have_b)


Complete custom validator example
We want a custom validator that validates that the path is inside the current user's
home directory:
import os.path
import pathlib
import argparse
import pathtype

def is_inside_home_dir(path: pathlib.Path, arg: str):
"""Validate that the path is inside the current user's home directory."""
expanded_path = os.path.expanduser(path)
resolved_path = pathlib.Path(os.path.abspath(expanded_path))
user_dir = pathlib.Path.home()
# We check that `resolved_path` starts with the same directories as `user_dir`
is_child =[:len(] ==

if not is_child:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
f"path ({resolved_path}) is not in the user's home directory ({user_dir})"

if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

# The following line won't raise any error
args = parser.parse_args(["--path", "~/valid/path"])
# PosixPath('~/valid/path')

# The following line will fail since the path is not inside the user's directory
args = parser.parse_args(["--path", "/at-root"])
# Fails with this message:
# usage: [-h] [--path PATH]
# error: argument --path: path (/at-root) is not in the user's home directory (/home/user)


All paths instances are actually
concrete paths
(i.e. created with pathlib.Path()),
and not pure paths (i.e. pathlib.PurePath()). This means that if ran on Windows,
the path argument will be converted to an instance of pathlib.WindowsPath, and on
other systems it'll be converted to an instance of pathlib.PosixPath. Behavior
may change on different OS's, so it's best not to parse argument across OS's.
Validations are run once, during argument parsing. Always remember that, by the
time you actually use the path, some properties of the file may have changed. For
example, let's say you use pathtype.Path(exists=True). Although the file may
exist at the time of argument parsing, another process may delete the file by the
time you actually want to access it. So only use this package as a user-friendly
"first check".


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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