paystack-cli 0.2.0

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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paystackcli 0.2.0

paystack cli
A command line app for interacting with Paystack's API. Built with
Typer and Pypaystack2

Binaries of paystack cli be found here.
Alternatively, Paystack cli can be installed from pypi with pip as shown below.
pip install paystack-cli

First time configurations
You're required to add your paystack integration secret key as your auth_key for the cli on first use as shown below
paystack config AUTH_KEY

This sets up your paystack cli for use in development mode if the test secret key is used. This auth_key can be
removed with paystack reset. Run paystack --help to see available commands
Retrieve a single transaction from your integration
paystack txn get-txns --pagination 1

Running the command above should yield a result similar to the dump shown below
message='Transactions retrieved',
'id': 3785557723,
'domain': 'test',
'status': 'success',
'reference': '2769088ddc23d52947c8e845f6a6bbdebd987f457e97f71c',
'amount': 30000,
'message': None,
'gateway_response': 'Approved',
'paid_at': '2024-05-11T10:00:29.000Z',
'created_at': '2024-05-11T10:00:27.000Z',
'channel': 'card',
'currency': 'NGN',
'ip_address': None,
'metadata': {'invoice_action': 'create'},
'log': None,
'fees': 450,
'fees_split': None,
'customer': {'id': 47948280, 'first_name': 'Gbenga', 'last_name': 'Adeyi', 'email': '', 'phone': '', 'metadata': None, 'customer_code': 'CUS_73cb3biedlkbe4a', 'risk_action': 'default'},
'authorization': {
'authorization_code': 'AUTH_w1renosr9o',
'bin': '408408',
'last4': '4081',
'exp_month': '12',
'exp_year': '2030',
'channel': 'card',
'card_type': 'visa ',
'bank': 'TEST BANK',
'country_code': 'NG',
'brand': 'visa',
'reusable': True,
'signature': 'SIG_JOdryeujwrsZryg0Lkrg',
'account_name': None
'plan': {},
'split': {},
'subaccount': {},
'order_id': None,
'paidAt': '2024-05-11T10:00:29.000Z',
'createdAt': '2024-05-11T10:00:27.000Z',
'requested_amount': 30000,
'source': {'source': 'merchant_api', 'type': 'api', 'identifier': None, 'entry_point': 'charge'},
'connect': None,
'pos_transaction_data': None

By default, the results you get from the cli is a Response object which is a NamedTuple returned
by Pypaystack2. To get a json result, use the --data-only
paystack txn get-txns --pagination 1 --data-only

Running the command above should yield a result similar to the dump shown below
[{"id": 3785557723, "domain": "test", "status": "success", "reference": "2769088ddc23d52947c8e845f6a6bbdebd987f457e97f71c", "amount": 30000, "message": null, "gateway_response": "Approved", "paid_at": "2024-05-11T10:00:29.000Z", "created_at":
"2024-05-11T10:00:27.000Z", "channel": "card", "currency": "NGN", "ip_address": null, "metadata": {"invoice_action": "create"}, "log": null, "fees": 450, "fees_split": null, "customer": {"id": 47948280, "first_name": "John", "last_name": "Doe", "email":
"", "phone": "", "metadata": null, "customer_code": "CUS_73cb3biedlkbe4a", "risk_action": "default"}, "authorization": {"authorization_code": "AUTH_w1renosr9o", "bin": "408408", "last4": "4081", "exp_month": "12", "exp_year": "2030",
"channel": "card", "card_type": "visa ", "bank": "TEST BANK", "country_code": "NG", "brand": "visa", "reusable": true, "signature": "SIG_JOdryeujwrsZryg0Lkrg", "account_name": null}, "plan": {}, "split": {}, "subaccount": {}, "order_id": null, "paidAt":
"2024-05-11T10:00:29.000Z", "createdAt": "2024-05-11T10:00:27.000Z", "requested_amount": 30000, "source": {"source": "merchant_api", "type": "api", "identifier": null, "entry_point": "charge"}, "connect": null, "pos_transaction_data": null}]

Source code

Installing paystack cli on windows from binaries
Installing paystack cli via pip on windows
How to use paystack cli


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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