p4checkout 0.1.0

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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p4checkout 0.1.0

p4checkout acts as a standalone GUI utility offering Perforce users the ability to check out
a file to a specific pending changelist.
While this ability is available out of the box by directly using the official Perforce visual
client (p4v), it's convenient to integrate it into the user's IDE. Most popular IDEs have
an official Perforce plugin, but those that don't can use p4checkout to easily check out
files before editing them.

For reference, the official pop-up box from p4v:

$ p4checkout -h
usage: p4checkout [-h] [--version] [-v] [-p PORT] [-c CLIENT] [-s HOST] [-u USER] path

positional arguments:
path Path to file to check out

-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
-v, --verbose Verbosity (-v, -vv, etc.)
-p PORT, --port PORT P4 port (e.g. 'ssl:localhost:1666')
-c CLIENT, --client CLIENT
P4 client
-s HOST, --host HOST P4 host
-u USER, --user USER P4 user

Note: Perforce can usually correctly infer some input parameters such as the host or user.
It's only required to provide them if for some reason Perforce won't pick them up correctly.

IDE Integration
Most popular IDEs have a fully-featured Perforce plugin which includes this functionality and more.
However, if you're using an IDE / editor which doesn't have a Perforce plugin, it might be possible to integrate
this basic check-out functionality using a custom "run" feature, if your IDE offers it.
Here are a few examples:

Source Insight


Python 3.9+ with Tkinter (sudo apt-get install python3-tk)
The p4python package (pip install p4python)
A working Perforce setup

I originally developed this utility around 2013. The original version was written in C# and
was used for integration with Source Insight.
The code in this repository is a recent Python port (2023) inspired by the original C# code.
However, as I (unfortunately) don't work on any Perforce-based projects anymore, it was only tested on a
non-production basic home-setup created for this purpose only.
(One last thing, since it has to be said: p4v probably has the best UX/UI that I've ever encountered).

p4checkout doesn't handle logging in to Perforce. Use p4v or p4 login to renew
your session if it has expired.

p4checkout is released under MIT license.
p4checkout is an independent software tool.
It is not an official product of Perforce Software, Inc., and is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by Perforce Software, Inc.
Perforce® is a registered trademark of Perforce Software, Inc.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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