pcshell 0.2.3

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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pcshell 0.2.3

pretty-click-shell :pager:
Create shell applications using Click for Python, with several out-of-the-box bells and whistles for a snazzier look and simple customization
Pcshellprovides several features that piggyback off of the Click Framework to make writing intuitive, versatile Shell applications as simple as writing a standard Click CLI. This includes:

Pretty Formatting of all Help & Error text
Full Autocompletion for Click Groups, Commands, and Sub-Shells.
Automatic Lexing of your CLI
Support for Typed Tuple Literals as Option Parameters
Bult-in Shell Commands: repeat, clear screen, clear history, etc.
Command/Group Aliases
Suggestions for mistyped commands
Full support for Windows OS
Full customization of colors

Installing Pretty Click Shell is easy. Simply use PyPi to install the module. Please review the requirements before installing.
pip install pcshell

Warning: This package is currently in an Alpha state.
Windows Users:
In order for Mouse Support to work for autocompletion prompts, you will need to patch Prompt_Toolkit. I have included the patch in this repository. You can patch the*.py files yourself or use the windows_patch.bat.
If you do not care about mouse support, be sure to set mouse_support=False when initializing your Shell.
Pcshell is built for Windows OS. However, it should work with other systems as well, but it has never been tested.
Pcshell requires the following modules:


And, then either:




Pcshell uses Prompt Toolkit to provide Click autocompletion, lexing, and more- but it is not required. If you do not need want these features, then only pyreadline is required, and your Shell Application will function with these features simply absent.
Prompt Toolkit v.2.0.10 is specifically required at this time due to incompatibilities with the Windows Terminal in the latest version. This may change in the future.
Click v.7.1.2 is specifically required at this time due to breaking changes in >v.8.x.x
At this time, the PyPi package for pcshell requires all of these listed modules as dependencies to make for easier testing of the package, as most of the core features rely on Prompt Toolkit. If you are a minimalist, you can go ahead and uninstall what you don't need or disable the features when initializing your shell.
Getting Started
Creating a new shell application is simple. You will only need to import pcshell and use this module in place of click, as appropriate.
To get started, take a look at these sample applications to get an understanding of all of the features pcshell has to offer:

Bare Bones Shell Application
Pcshell Playground

Be sure to read the libraries docstrings, too, where appropriate for further details about keyword arguments, constants, and methods / decorators.
To-Do List:
These are additional features I would like to implement into pcshell in the future:

Prompt Toolkit "rprompt" for live analysis of command errors
Customizable Prompt Toolkit Toolbar for additional meta info/help text
Lexing for invalid typed tuple literal Option Parameters

I wrote Pretty Click Shell because I wanted a versatile template for writing shell applications with my favorite CLI framework, Click, specifically on Windows. This grew into me learning a lot more about Prompt Toolkit and how I could integrate these features automatically with my Click apps.
If you have any suggestions or bugs to report, please create an issue here for me to review. Help me grow this project so that other developers on Windows OS can make some cool shell applications with Click :smile:


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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