pdd 1.7

Creator: railscoderz

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pdd 1.7


pdd (Python3 Date Diff) is a tiny command line utility to calculate date and time difference. It can also be used as a timer. If no program arguments are specified it shows the current date, time and timezone.
pdd has been written with only one goal - simplicity. Users shouldn't have to memorize anything.
Table of Contents


From a package manager
Release packages
From source
Running standalone


cmdline options
Operational notes



easy to use, minimal dependencies
calculate date and time difference
calculate diff from today and now
add, subtract duration (timeslice) to/from date (time)
countdown timer with command piggybacking
custom resolution stopwatch
non-verbose mode for background timers
show current date, time and timezone
follows ISO 8601

pdd requires Python 3.7 (or later) and the dateutil module.
To install dateutil on Ubuntu, run:
$ sudo apt-get install python3-dateutil

or, using pip3:
$ sudo pip3 install python-dateutil

From a package manager
Install pdd from your package manager. If the version available is dated try an alternative installation method.
Packaging status (expand)

Unlisted packagers:

● PyPI (pip3 install pdd)
● Termux (pip3 install pdd)

Release packages
Packages for Arch Linux, CentOS, Debian, Fedora and Ubuntu are available with the latest stable release.
From source
If you have git installed, clone this repository. Otherwise download the latest latest stable release or development version (risky).
Install to default location (/usr/local):
$ sudo make install

To remove, run:
$ sudo make uninstall

PREFIX is supported, in case you want to install to a different location.
Running standalone
pdd is a standalone utility. From the containing directory, run:
$ chmod +x pdd
$ ./pdd

cmdline options
usage: pdd [-h] [-d yyyy mmm dd [yyyy mmm dd | y m d]]
[-t hh:mm:ss [hh:mm:ss | h:m:s]] [--add] [--sub]
[--day yyyy mmm dd] [-c hh:mm:ss] [-r command] [-s [resolution]] [-q]
[keywords ...]

Tiny date, time difference calculator with timers.

positional arguments:
keywords diff/add/subtract from today or now

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d yyyy mmm dd [yyyy mmm dd | y m d], --date yyyy mmm dd [yyyy mmm dd | y m d]
calculate date difference
-t hh:mm:ss [hh:mm:ss | h:m:s], --time hh:mm:ss [hh:mm:ss | h:m:s]
calculate time difference
--add add to date (/today) or time (/now)
--sub subtract from date (/today) or time (/now)
--day yyyy mmm dd show day of the week on a date
-c hh:mm:ss, --timer hh:mm:ss
start a countdown timer
-r command, --run command
run command when countdown timer reaches 0
-s [resolution], --stopwatch [resolution]
start a stopwatch [default resolution: 3 (ms)]
-q, --quiet quiet mode for background timer/stopwatch

Completion scripts are available for Bash, Fish and Zsh shells.
Operational notes

ISO 8601 format. Month can be specified as month number (e.g. Jan - 1, Dec - 12).
Time is in 24-hr format.
The absolute difference is shown. Argument order is ignored.
The end date is excluded in date difference calculations.
Hour, minute or second can be omitted. Partial inputs are recognized as mm:ss or ss.
The keybind to stop timers is Ctrl-C.


Calculate diff from today:
$ pdd 2014 Jan 15
5y 2m 21d

Calculate diff from now:
$ pdd 24:00:00

$ pdd 0

Calculate date diff:
$ pdd -d 1983 jul 3 2014 1 15
30y 6m 12d

Calculate time diff:
$ pdd -t 45:50 6:17:33

Show current date, time and timezone:
$ pdd
Fri 2019 Apr 5 08:37:25 IST

Specify time with roll-over:
$ pdd -t 5:80:75 6:17:33

Add a duration (3 years, 2 months, 1 day) to 28 Feb, 2000:
$ pdd -d 2000 FEB 28 3 2 1 --add
Tue 2003 Apr 29

Add a timeslice (1 hour 2 mins 3 secs) to 23:45:37:
$ pdd -t 23:45:37 1:2:3 --add
1 day(s) later, 00:47:40

Add a duration (3 years, 2 months, 1 day) to today:
$ pdd 3 2 1 --add
Mon 2022 Jun 06

Add a timeslice (1 hour 2 minutes 3 seconds) to now:
$ pdd 1:2:3 --add

Subtract a duration (1 day) from 1 Mar, 2000:
$ pdd -d 2000 Mar 01 0 0 1 --sub
Tue 2000 Feb 29

Subtract a timeslice (1 sec) from midnight:
$ pdd -t 00:00:00 0:0:1 --sub
1 day(s) earlier, 23:59:59

Subtract a duration (3 years, 2 months, 1 day) from today:
$ pdd 3 2 1 --sub
Thu 2016 Feb 04

Subtract a timeslice (1 hour 2 minutes 3 seconds) from now:
$ pdd 1:2:3 --sub

Show the day of the week on 15 Jan 2014:
$ pdd --day 2014 Jan 15

Start a countdown timer or stopwatch in quiet mode in the background:
$ pdd -qs &
$ pdd -qc 3:0:0 &

To see the final counter run fg and press Ctrl-C.

Run a command when countdown timer reaches 0
$ pdd -c 00:00:5 -r 'ps -aux'
$ pdd -c 00:00:5 -r 'notify-send pdd "timer expired"'

Copyright © 2017 Arun Prakash Jana


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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