pdfgeneratorapi 0.2

Creator: bradpython12

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pdfgeneratorapi 0.2

PDFGeneratorAPI.com Python wrapper

With the PDF Generator API your users can easily create and manage different document templates with an easy-to-use browser based document editor and via API.
An API and template builder to generate PDF documents from Your software, from Your data.
You will first need to register for a PDFGeneratorAPI account to use this API. It's free to sign up, and use for testing and integration process.
Supports Python 3+
To install, simply use pip
$ sudo pip install pdfgeneratorapi

>>> from pdfgeneratorapi import PDFGenerator

>>> pdf_client = PDFGenerator(api_key='<PDF_GENERATOR_KEY>', api_secret='<PDF_GENERATOR_SECRET>')
>>> pdf_client.set_workspace('<PDF_GENERATOR_WORKSPACE>')

You can pass the api_key, api_secret and workspace explicitly. Alternatively, declare these environment variables PDF_GENERATOR_KEY, PDF_GENERATOR_SECRET.
For wrapper usage code snippets please check examples.py
>>> from pdfgeneratorapi import PDFGenerator
>>> pdf_client = PDFGenerator(api_key='<PDF_GENERATOR_KEY>', api_secret='<PDF_GENERATOR_SECRET>')
>>> pdf_client.set_workspace('<PDF_GENERATOR_WORKSPACE>')

Generate a new Document
>>> new_pdf = pdf_client.create_document(template_id=48484, data={"name": "Sameer Kumar"}, document_format="pdf", response_format="url")
>>> new_pdf.response

Fetch All Templates
>>> templates = pdf_client.all_templates(tags=['test_tag'], access=['private'])
>>> templates[0].id
>>> templates[0].name
'Some name'

Get template by ID
>>> template = pdf_client.get_template(template_id=<TEMPLATE_ID>)
>>> template.layout.format

Create a new template
>>> new_template = pdf_client.create_template(name='<TEMPLATE_NAME>')
>>> new_template.id
>>> new_template.name
'My new template'

Create a copy of a given template
>>> copy_template = pdf_client.create_template_copy(template_id=48484, name="Copied template")
>>> copy_template.layout.format

Get a one-click link to web editor
>>> editor_url = pdf_client.get_editor_url(template_id=48484, data={"name": "Sameer"})

Set the following environment variable:


Run the test with the following command:
$ python setup.py test

Default Values
You can explicitly override certain default assumptions like -

Authentication: Signature Authentication. To use Simple Authentication, simple pass signature_auth=False in the object init.
API URL: https://<REGION>.pdfgeneratorapi.com/api/<API_VERSION>/ . To override - api_url='<SOME_URL>'.
API Key: api_key. Default loads from environment var PDF_GENERATOR_KEY
API Secret: api_secret. Default loads from environment var PDF_GENERATOR_SECRET
Workspace: workspace. Default loads from environment var PDF_GENERATOR_WORKSPACE
API Region: api_region. Default - "us1"
API Version: api_version. Default - "v3"
Document Format: document_format. Default - "pdf"
Response Format: response_format. Default - "base64"

Please see https://docs.pdfgeneratorapi.com/ for complete up-to-date documentation.
About PDFGeneratorAPI.com
PDF Generator API is a RESTful API and a template builder for creating PDF documents from Your software, from Your data. With PDF Generator API you can allow your users to create and manage different document templates with an easy-to-use browser based document editor. And you can merge templates with data from your own software via RESTful API to generate PDF and HTML documents.
If you have any API related query/issue please contact support@pdfgeneratorapi.com
For any wrapper related query/issue, please raise a GitHub issue.
About Author
Sameer Kumar
Find me on Twitter


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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