pdfino 0.1.0

Creator: railscoder56

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pdfino 0.1.0


PDFino (/pəˈdɪfino/) is a Python library for generating PDF files. It is built on top of ReportLab,
a powerful PDF generation library for Python. PDFino is designed to be simple and easy to use.
It provides a high-level API for generating PDF files without having to deal with the low-level details of ReportLab.
Getting started 🌯
from pdfino import Document

doc = Document()
doc.h1("Hello World", options={"color": "blue", "margin_bottom": 30})
doc.p("Generate PDFs effortlessly with PDFino.")
doc.hr(height=2, options={"color": "#ffa500", "margins": (30, 100, 0, 100)})
data = doc.bytes

PDFino keeps things streamlined, but it won't replace all of ReportLab's powers. You can always add ReportLab
flowables directly to your document if you need to.
from pdfino import Document
from reportlab.platypus import Paragraph

doc = Document()
doc.add(Paragraph("Hello World", doc.stylesheet["h1"]))

For detailed usage, check out pdfino.readthedocs.io.
Run the tests 🧪
poetry run pytest --cov=pdfino --cov-report=term

Style guide 📖
Tab size is 4 spaces. Keep lines under 120 characters. Feeling iffy? Run ruff before you commit:
poetry run ruff format . && poetry run ruff check pdfino


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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