PDFMaster 0.0.1

Creator: railscoder56

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PDFMaster 0.0.1

PDFMaster Package
This is a PDFTableMaster package. You can use
Github-flavored Markdown
Parmeters to adjust
#pdfTable.set_parameters({'upperBoundry':10, 'lowerBoundry':10 , 'margin':3})
-->upperBoundry and lowerBoundry states the upper and lower boundries in the vertical axis to identify rows
-->These values should be modified to fit the PDF table you're about the scrape
-->Margin defines the horizontal bountries of the table ( use to identify columns)
Project will provide you with a unstrucured table structure (Lists inside a list)
-->User shoud implement the CleanMaster Class that comes with the package to define how the cleaning should be done
-->Refer the example.py to get a clear understanding on how you ca use this class
-->cleanListMaster() comes under CleanMaster class will define this functionality
class clean(CleanMaster):
def cleanListMaster(self , rows):
#you have to implement this method with rules to filter out rows
finalPageList = []
for row in rows:
if(len(row) >= 6 and len(row) <= 6):
if(row[0].strip().startswith("LKA") and len(row[0].strip()) == 12 ):
finalPageList.append(clean.removeComma(row) )
return finalPageList


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