pdfpages 0.1.0

Creator: railscoder56

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pdfpages 0.1.0

Extract specific pages from PDF documents.

What is it?
How do I install it?
How do I run it on the command line?
How do I call it from python code?
What license is it released under?

What is it?
A python package
that extracts pages from PDF documents
and writes them to a fresh PDF.

How do I install it?
Via pip:
pip install pdfpages
Or if you just want the git repo:
git clone git@github.com:philbooth/pdfpages.git

How do I run it on the command line?
pdfpages -o out.pdf in.pdf
The -o option
is used to specify
the output path
and the final argument
is the path to the input document.
You can specify
multiple input documents
by listing further paths
at the end of the command:
pdfpages -o out.pdf in1.pdf in2.pdf
pdfpages -o out.pdf in/*.pdf
Without other arguments,
the default behaviour is
to extract the first page
from each input document
and write the result
to the output PDF.
If you want to extract specific pages,
you can use the -p option.
For instance,
to extract just the second page
from each input document
you woud run:
pdfpages -p 2 -o out.pdf in/*.pdf
Or to extract the second and third pages
from each document:
pdfpages -p 2 3 -o out.pdf in/*.pdf
You can also use
the -f and -c options
to specify ranges of page numbers.
For instance,
to extract the first hundred pages
from each document:
pdfpages -f 1 -c 100 -o out.pdf in/*.pdf
Or to extract
the second hundred pages:
pdfpages -f 101 -c 100 -o out.pdf in/*.pdf
You can exclude specific pages
from these ranges
with the -e option.
For example,
to exclude the third page
from the first five pages
of each input document:
pdfpages -f 1 -c 5 -e 3 -o out.pdf in/*.pdf
you can see the usage information
at any time
using the -h option:
python pdfpages.py -h

How do I call it from python code?
import pdfpages

pdfpages.extract(in_files, out_file, pages, exclude_pages)

A tuple containing files
opened for binary reading
(mode "rb").
A file
opened for binary writing
(mode "wb").
A tuple containing page numbers
to extract
An optional tuple containing page numbers
to exclude from extraction
Defaults to an empty tuple.

What license is it released under?


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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