pdfreactor.parsecfg 1.0.1

Creator: railscoder56

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pdfreactor.parsecfg 1.0.1

This package provides a parsing facility for the PDFreactor client API,
as provided by the pdfreactor-api package.
To effectively make use of it, you’ll need

a running PDFreactor server
some PDFreactor integration for your framework;
when using Plone, you may use the pdfreactor.plone package.


A parse_configuration function
In a Plone context, a pdfreactor-config browser view
to make basic use of it,
i.e. producing a config dictionary from:
a site-global textual conversion configuration
which is stored in the Plone registry.
a custom @@pdfreactor-conversion-settings form

Despite the fact that the license key –
unless, as recommended, installed on the server –
needs to be put in the config dictionary,
we consider this to be connection-related, so
we don’t expect you to put it in your
conversion configuration.
You could do so (specifying it in one single string token), but e.g.
our pdfreactor.plone package offers a dedicated setting in the
IPdfReactorConnectionSettings interface.

The textual configuration could for example look like:
# line comments are possible
outputFormat = {
width: 640, # and so are end-of-line comments
type: OutputType.PNG_TRANSPARENT,
The symbols defined by the PDFreactor API class are recognized, so this would
be converted to the following config dictionary:
{'outputFormat': {
'width': 640,
This doesn’t look very magic, but it saves you from finding a way to save
settings for each possible key; you just need one configuration string.
On the values side, we’ll accept valid configuration symbols only
(case sensitively, so OutputType.png_transparent would cause an error)
or valid Python string or number tokens; for convenience, several common names
for true, false and nothing are accepted (case-insensitively).

We are still limited in what we can process; for stylesheets, for example,
the API expects “objects” (in JSON terms; Python: dictionaries), not just URIs.
For now, we take strings as URI specifications:
integrationStyleSheets = ['++resource++pdfreactor.plone/export.css']
is converted to:
{'integrationStyleSheets': [{
'uri': '++resource++pdfreactor.plone/export.css'

API methods conversion
We provide as well a
(still incomplete and/or experimental – “use on your own risk”)
conversion function which allows you to convert API calls,
as they have been used until PDFreactor v7; for example:
would be transformed to this config value:
{'debugSettings': {'appendLogs': True}}
This is not done by default; use:
from pdfreactor.parsecfg.oldmethods import convert_api_method
parse_configuration(..., convert=convert_api_method)
to make it happen.


Simply install the configuration parser by using pip:
pip install pdfreactor.parsecfg
or, for projects using buildout,
add to your buildout.cfg script:
eggs =
and then run bin/buildout.
This will get you the pdfreactor-api package as well.
After restarting your Zope instance, you’ll find the package in
the Quick-Installer or
the Plone Add-Ons view.

Plone integration
After restarting your Zope instance with pdfreactor.parsecfg
(and, likely, pdfreactor.plone) added to your eggs,
simply use the Plone Add-Ons view or the Quick-Installer to activate it.
Then you may use the configuration registry and use the
IPdfReactorConversionSettings prefix to adjust your conversion preferences.
Note: This package is about configuration parsing, not primarily about Zope /
Plone. To have the PDFreactor web service use your actual session cookies, use
pdfreactor.plone as well.

Possible values
For the values which will be recognized by the PDFreactor backend, please refer
to the documentation by RealObjects GmbH:

PDFreactor Web service documentation

If, for example, the documentation for the debugSettings model tells you
about the boolean properties
forceResult and
all, this means that you may configure e.g.:
debugSettings.all = on
debugSettings = {
appendLogs: yes,
forceResult: true,

Other packages

pdfreactor-api, the required API distribution package

If you are having issues concerning this configuration parser,
please let us know;
please use the issue tracker mentioned below.
For issues regarding the PDFreactor itself, please refer to RealObjects GmbH:

PDFreactor Support Center

(To this configuration parser package:)

Issue Tracker: https://github.com/visaplan/pdfreactor.plone/issues
Source Code: https://github.com/visaplan/pdfreactor.plone

The project is licensed under the MIT License.


Tobias Herp, tobias.herp@visaplan.com


1.0.1 (2023-01-20)

For userScripts, we need to create dictionaries with ‘uri’ keys as well.


Obsolete files and directories removed


1.0.0 (2022-07-12)

Initial release.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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