pdfreactor.plone 1.0.4

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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pdfreactor.plone 1.0.4

This Add-On package integrates the PDFreactor client API by RealObjects,
as provided by the pdfreactor-api package, into Plone.
To effectively make use of it, you’ll need

a running PDFreactor server
the keys needed to access it;
depending on the server configuration:

the license key (from RealObjects; see https://www.pdfreactor.com/buy/)
(unless installed on the server)

an API key, if required by the server.


A simple @@as.pdf browser view for contentish objects
(providing a synchronous PDF export with standard options)
A custom form @@pdfreactor-connection-settings to edit the
connection settings (which are stored in the Plone registry)
A simple @@pdfreactor-config view to provide basic conversion settings
(i.e., the Zope cookies which are needed to create PDF exports from
restricted contents)
For a package providing customizable conversion settings in the registry as
well, see below.

A simple CSS stylesheet which is used by the default configuration to
suppress uninteresting page parts

Plone environments are typically built using zc.buildout;
so add to your buildout.cfg script:
eggs =
and then run bin/buildout.
This will get you the pdfreactor-api package as well.
After restarting your Zope instance, you’ll find the package in
the Quick-Installer or
the Plone Add-Ons view.
After installing (or activating) the package there,
visit the @@pdfreactor-connection-settings view of your Plone instance
to customize your PDFreactor connection settings
(URL and license and / or API key).
For installation instructions regarding the PDFreactor service itself, please
refer to PDFreactor Support.


Zope / Plone
You have several options:

You may subclass our .base.Exporter BrowserView class
(which provides the @@as.pdf view)
and override some of it’s methods,


You may connect our BrowserView class or subclasses of it
to more specific interfaces than IContentish.
(You might need a layer interface to avoid configuration conflicts).
You may override the @@pdfreactor-config view to modify the conversion
options (generally, or by interface).
One add-on package to get a global “TTW” customizable configuration is

Please refer to the Zope / Plone documentation for instructions how to do this.

For the details about the supported methods and configuration options of the
PDFreactor itself,
please refer to the documentation by RealObjects GmbH:

PDFreactor Web service documentation

If you are having issues concerning this Plone integration,
please let us know;
please use the issue tracker mentioned above.
For issues regarding the PDFreactor itself, please refer to RealObjects GmbH:

PDFreactor Support Center

(To this Plone integration package:)

Issue Tracker: https://github.com/visaplan/pdfreactor.plone/issues
Source Code: https://github.com/visaplan/pdfreactor.plone

The project is licensed under the MIT License.


Tobias Herp, tobias.herp@visaplan.com


1.0.4 (2023-12-08)

Add __noduplicate to the list of cookies.
This is important if you use the no_duplicate_login PAS plugin
otherwise, creation of PDF documents or screenshots might fail.
Or the PDFreactor might kick you out.


1.0.3 (2023-04-05)
New Features:

The .base.Exporter class now provides an own .convert method
which accepts binary, async and stream arguments
and calls the appropriate conversion method internally.
Currently, it will return

None, if a stream was given,
binary data, if binary was given (and not stream), and
the document_id, if async was given, and
a dict with all meta information contained otherwise.


The .base.Exporter class now provides (and uses) a conversionSource
method which in turn uses the existing converted_url method.
Note: if providing text instead of a URL as the document config key,
you likely need to specify a baseUrl as well; otherwise the reactor
might fail to load stylesheets or images during conversion.

Development hints:

When developing and testing your PDFreactor conversions,
be sure you have more than one Zope worker thread ready;
otherwise you might wonder about HTTP errors
when the reactor sends requests to your instance!
We provide the original API (from the PDFreactor distribution) as .raw_api
module (for development and testing;
helps to check whether a certain problem
is related to our pythonization measures).
Just in case.


1.0.2 (2023-01-20)
New Features:

For MathML support:

added a @@pdfreactor-mathjax-vars.js view (for configuration),
a ++resource++pdfreactor.plone/mathjax2-run.js
script to ease MathJax integration.

This is not configurable yet, but will likely be, soon.
Note: PDFreactor v11.6.3 (2023-03-07) contains a fix
to a bug which caused MathML exports as “continuous media” to fail.

The @@as.pdf method supports a method option; e.g., call
.../my/page/@@as.pdf?method=@@from-screenshot to create a PDF file from


1.0.1 (2022-09-20)

The connectionSettings method doesn’t return any cookies anymore
because the Zope cookies are considered config information.
The .base.Exporter provides a getZopeCookies method now
for use in derived view classes which override the conversionSettings
method to not use @@pdfreactor-config.


1.0.0 (2022-07-12)

Initial release.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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