pdfs 0.1.0

Creator: railscoder56

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pdfs 0.1.0

# pdfsSimple Bibliography Database## IntroductionThis tool manages article PDFs. This tool is based on two working principles.First, DOIs are central. Only documents with a DOI can be stored in thedatabase. All metadata is acquired through the [Crossref](https://crossref.org)[API](https://github.com/CrossRef/rest-api-doc) through DOIs scraped from thePDF or entered by the user. Second, document repositories are local to adirectory hierarchy. For example, if I have a project based in ~/projects/foo,I can create a document repository by cd ~/projects/foo pdfs initThis creates a new direcory in ~/projects/foo called articles. All PDFsimported into the database will be copied here. Running `pdfs` in~/projects/foo, or any directory below it will use the repository at~/projects/foo/articles.## Commands usage: pdfs command ...| Command | Description ||---------|--------------------------------------------|| add | Import new PDF into repository || aux2bib | Read LaTeX .aux file and dump a .bib file || bibtex | Dump bibtex for keys || edit | Edit bibtex, metadata and file attachments || import | Import entries from other database || info | Print information about current repository || init | Initialize new document repository || list | List all items in database || search | Search full text of PDF || view | View article PDF and attachements || watch | Watch a directory for new pdf files to add || www | Spin up http server |## Command line completionCommand line autocomplete support via [argcomplete](https://argcomplete.readthedocs.io). To start quickly with zsh: autoload bashcompinit bashcompinit eval "$(register-python-argcomplete pdfs)"


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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