pdmreader 0.1

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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pdmreader 0.1

PDM reader
Interactive reader for PowerDesigner PDM files.

View/search tables
Vew table definition
Generate DDL for various databases (currently MySQL and Oracle supported)
Generate Java entity definition
Support command history


Python 3.7+

This tool only makes use of Python standard libraries.
# root or administrator permission may be required
pip install pdmreader

If you want to try some unreleased features, or customize the tool yourself, clone the repository and install it in development mode:
git clone https://github.com/bianjp/pdmreader.git
cd pdmreader
# root or administrator permission may be required
python setup.py development

pdmreader PATH_TO_PDM_FILE

This will start an interactive "shell" which you can type commands.
Type help to show available commands.
Currently supported commands:
help Print help
t Toggle horizontal/vertical output. Default horizontal
tables Show tables
tables PATTERN Show tables matching the given shell-style glob
seq Show sequences
seq PATTERN Show sequences matching the given shell-style glob
table TABLE Show definitions of the given table
mysql TABLE Generate MySQL DDL for creating the given table
oracle TABLE Generate Oracle DDL for creating the given table
java TABLE Generate Java entity definition for the given table
exit, Ctrl + D Exit

This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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