peachpayments-partner-pydantic 1.2.0

Creator: railscoder56

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peachpaymentspartnerpydantic 1.2.0

PeachPayments Partner Pydantic Library
PeachPayments Partner Pydantic Library is a platform-agnostic Python package to help Payment Service Providers in integrating with PeachPayments. This library provides functionality to validate request and response data using Pydantic Python library.
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Key terms


Partner API
A service provided by Peach Payments to enable Payment Service Providers to become available on the Peach Platform

Payment Service Provider
A payment service provider who integrates with the Partner API

Outbound API call
API calls sent from Partner API to the Payment Service Provider

Inbound API call
API calls sent from Payment Service Provider to Partner API

Package requires Python 3.9+
# pip
$ pip3 install peachpayments-partner-pydantic

# poetry
$ poetry add peachpayments-partner-pydantic

Field validation
Scenario: Payment Service Provider written in FastAPI receives a debit request from PeachPayments.
# ... imports
from peachpayments_partner_pydantic.schemas import DebitRequest, DebitResponse
def debit_request(
*, debit_in: schemas.DebitRequest
) -> Any:
# Store the transaction
transaction = Transaction.create_from_debit(debit_in)
# Validate the debit response
debit_response = DebitResponse(**transaction.to_debit_response_fields())
return debit_response.dict()

Translating exception to PeachPayments error response
Scenario: Payment Service Provider written in FastAPI receives a request with a validation error from PeachPayments.
1. Write validation exception handler
# app/
from fastapi import Request, status
from fastapi.exceptions import RequestValidationError
from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse
from peachpayments_partner_pydantic.exception_handlers import exception_to_response

async def validation_exception_handler(request: Request, exc: RequestValidationError) -> JSONResponse:
return JSONResponse(status_code=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, content=exception_to_response(exc))

2. Connect it to the application
# app/
from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi.exceptions import RequestValidationError
from app.exception_handlers import validation_exception_handler

application = FastAPI(
exception_handlers={RequestValidationError: validation_exception_handler},


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