peak-sdk 1.10.0

Creator: bradpython12

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peaksdk 1.10.0

Peak SDK

What is Peak SDK?
Peak SDK is a Python-based package which can be used to build AI applications in Peak Platform. The Peak SDK provides an efficient code-based interface to manage platform resources (Web Apps, Workflows and Images). It also includes an interface to use Press API which can help you efficiently create, manage and deploy Press Applications on the Peak.
Getting Started
Setting up a Virtual Environment
To ensure a smooth development experience with Peak SDK, we highly recommend creating a Python virtual environment. A virtual environment helps to isolate the dependencies required by your project and prevents conflicts with other projects or the system's global Python environment.
Follow these steps to create a virtual environment using Python's built-in venv module:

Open a terminal.

Navigate to your project's root directory (where you plan to work with the Peak SDK).

Create a new virtual environment with the following command:
python3 -m venv <venv_name>

Activate the virtual environment by running:
source <venv_name>/bin/activate

You will now be working within the virtual environment, and you can install dependencies and run the project without affecting other projects on your system's Python environment.

When you're finished working on your project, you can deactivate the virtual environment using the following command:


You can install the Peak SDK with the following command using pip
pip install peak-sdk

Or if you want to install a specific version
pip install peak-sdk==<version>

The Peak SDK ships with the CLI as well. Once CLI is installed, you can enable auto-completion for your shell by running peak --install-completion ${shell-name} command, where shell can be one of [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh].

Once this has run, we need to add compinit to the shell configuration file (like - .zshrc, .bashrc, etc). To do so, you can the following command
echo "compinit" >> ~/.zshrc # replace .zshrc with your shell's configuration file

Using the SDK and CLI

To start using the SDK and CLI, you'll need either an API Key or a Personal Access Token (PAT).
If you don't have one yet, sign up for an account on the Peak platform to obtain your API key or Personal Access token (PAT).
To export it, run the following command in your terminal and replace <peak_auth_token> with your actual API key or PAT:
export PEAK_AUTH_TOKEN=<peak_auth_token>

You can access the documentation for the SDK and CLI at
Here are some quick links to help you navigate easily:

SDK Reference
CLI Reference
CLI Usage
Migration Guide

Platform Support

Support across Python versions on major 64-bit platforms

Python Version







regularly tested, and fully supported

Limited Support
not explicitly tested but should work, and supported on a best-effort basis

Not Tested
should work, but no guarantees and/or support

More Resources



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