peempy 0.2.1

Creator: railscoder56

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peempy 0.2.1

A suite for processing PEEM-XMCD data from I06 Diamond Light Source.
PEEM-XMCD work flow
XMCD signals are from the difference of images taken under two different circular polarisation of X-ray.
There are two types of data - XMCD4 and XMCD2. The former captures 4N images of resonance+, off-resonance+, resonance-, off-resonance-.
Usually N=10. Images of each set are averaged. The polarisation dependent signal is taken from the difference between on and off resonance.
The difficulty is that there is drift over time but averaging the signal is required to reduce noise.
The images need to be drift-corrected to minimize mismatch between them before taking the average.
In addition, on and off resonance images need to be drift corrected separately.
What this does
Drift correction for each capture
A more robust drift correction scheme is implemented, taking the advantage that the drift is aggregation process.
In the original Igor implementation, an ROI containing a feature needs to be selected and the feature has to stay in the ROI in the entire series.
Here, we allow a floating ROI for each frame.
The ROI of the next frame is shifted based on the calculated absolute displacement of the current frame.
This effectively makes the ROI "lock on" to feature in the image series.
Hence, the initial ROI only need to be as large as the feature, given that the relative drift between the frames does not move the feature completely out of the ROI.
The routine in skimage.feature.register_translation is used.
It is much faster than the standard (super-sampled) image convolution scheme.
The reference image is improved on-the-fly by adding weight averages of the corrected frames for noisy data.
Batch processing
A script for batch processing has been written. Using python's multiprocessing module,
parallel batch processing can be performed to use all computational power.
Captures can be previewed before processing for selecting a sensible drift area.
For memory efficiency, it is desirable to use the inplace drift processing model to avoid creating addition copies of the data.
XMCD signal calculation
XMCD signal image can be generated using peempy.xmcd
XMCD vector map construction
XMCD vector map can be generated from the signal of more than one of the angles.
Due to the distortion from the instrument, frames need to be aligned before fitting.
This package allows image alignment between an arbitrary number of frames based on any number of control points for alignment.
Three-dimensional vector map can be constructed if XMCD images are captured with more than three angles.
Get started
The stable version of the package is uploaded to Python Package Index (pypi) and can be installed with:
pip install peempy

Alternatively, the develop version can be installed using:
pip install git+

Comandline interface
Once the package is installed using pip, the command-line interface may be used to perform tasks such
as computing XMCD signals from raw data, averaging XMCD signals and monitor the data taking progress.
The main command to be used is simple the package name - peempy and there are sub-commands for individual
As an example:
Usage: peempy [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

The command line interface of peempy

--version Display the version of PEEMPY
-pd, --peem-data-dir TEXT The beamline data directory
-wd, --work-dir TEXT The base directory to be used for saving
-dm, --drift-mode [one-pass|two-pass|iter]
Drift correction mode
-fp, --float-precision [single|double]
Floating point precision when saving XMCD
--help Show this message and exit.

datalist Print the avaliable datafolders
drift Perform batch drift operation.
view-drift view the drift corrected images
xmcdavg Align and average XMCD signals
xmcdlist List IDs of captures that have XMCD computed.

For any sub-commands the help information can be acces by passing the --help flag.
Python API
This package defines a number of classes to handle different tasks:

ImageStack is the base class for many others. It represent a stack of images stored an a multidimension array.
ImageSeries represents a time series of images and can be drift corrected.

XMCDImageSeries represents a XMCD capture, usually consisted of 40 frames with alternating energy/polarisation.
DriftCorrector is a class for conducting drift correction

XMCDStack is a stack of xmcd signals. This class is used for making vector maps.


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For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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