peerless 1.0.3

Creator: codyrutscher

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peerless 1.0.3

Peerless Optimizer
Developed by Eve Utils
Peerless is a software that implements an optimization algorithm to solve
the following type of problems
min f(x);
subject to g(x) >= 0,
h(x) >= 0,
lb <= x <= ub

x is an element in R^n where some x_i in N (some or all can be integers)
lb, ub in R^n with lb_i <= ub_i forall i in 1,...,n
g : R^n -> R^m is a function that can be nonlinear, non-differentiable
or discontinuous
h : R^n -> R^p is a function that can also be nonlinear, non-differentiable
or discontinuous

The documentation can be found at
Main features

Nonlinear, non-differentiable, discontinuous.
The functions f, g and h can be of any type as long as they return similar
values when evaluated are the same point different times (more about this
Some or all the variables can be restricted to take integer values.
Problems can have many local and global optima.
Function evaluations can be the result of a process using one or many
probability distributions.
A Stochastic problem can be specified by scenarios
Parallel and distributed.
Peerless can be executed in parallel or distributed mode


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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