peerreach 0.2

Creator: railscoder56

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peerreach 0.2

peerreach is a python library to access the api from
For more infor about the api go to
The last source code ant hte bugtracking is at

Install using pip:
pip install peerreach
or using easy_install:
easy_install peerreach

By now the api does not requre authentiation, so to use is:
import peerreach

api = peerreach.Api()

# lookup one user by screen name
userdata = api.lookup_user(screen_name="user")

# lookup one user by user_id
userdata = api.lookup_user(user_id=12345)

# lookup various users by screen name
usersdata = api.lookup_user(screen_names=("user1", "user2"))

# lookup various users by user_ids
usersdata = api.lookup_user(user_ids=(12345, 54321))
The data returned is a dictionary containing the data returned by the api.
You can change the deserializer to get the raw api response or the response as an
import peerreach

# with raw data
api = peerreach.Api(parser=peerreach.RawPArser())
rawdata = api.lookup_user(screen_name="user")

# with object
api = peerreach.Api(parser=peerreach.ObjectPArser())
objectdata = api.lookup_user(screen_name="user")

Command Line
The package also includes a command line tool to test the api:
$ peerreach --help
Usage: peerreach [options] screen_name [screen_name...]

--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i, --ids Use twitter ids instead of screen name
-r, --raw Show raw peerreach api output


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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