pelican-bibliography 0.5.2

Creator: railscoder56

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pelicanbibliography 0.5.2

Bibliography: A Plugin for Pelican

Generated bibliography in Pelican that can be rendered in references and citations
This plugin provides a new generator, BibliographyGenerator. This generator adds bibliography to the Pelican context and can write an output file for each reference using a citation.html template. Additionally, the entire bibliography can be written using a bibliography.html template or otherwise.
This plugin can be installed via:
pip install pelican-bibliography

Now, add it to your
PLUGINS = ['pelican.plugins.bibliography']

That's it, thanks to the namespace plugins in Pelican 4.5+.
When this generator is run, it first reads bibliography files from the BIBLIOGRAPHY_PATHS setting. For now, only BibTeX (.bib) files are supported, but more may be added in the future. Each reference contained in the bibliography is instantiated as a Reference object. The content of the reference is its citation in bibtex, while most of the useful information is in the metadata, such as the citation key, the title, the authors, the publication venue. Extra metadata key-value pairs can be read from YAML files in the same bibliography path. Now, you can use bibliography in your templates.
Next, the citations can be written to separate files. If desired, for each reference, the citation will be rendered according to the citation.html template and written to a configured path. Ideally, your bibliography will link to the citation page so that interested readers can easily cite your work.
The following variables can be configured in your
# A directory that contains the bibliography-related templates
# type: Union[str, os.PathLike]
BIBLIOGRAPHY_TEMPLATES = '.../pelican/plugins/bibliography/data/templates'

# A list of directories and files to look at for bibliographies, relative
# to PATH.
# type: List[str]
BIBLIOGRAPHY_PATHS = ["bibliography"]

# A list of directories to exclude when looking for references
# type: List[str]

# list of file extensions (without leading period) that are bibliography
# files
# type: List[str]

# list of file extensions (without leading period) that are metadata files
# type: List[str]

# attribute of the Reference object to order the bibliography by (in
# reverse order)
# type: str

# whether to write citations to files
# type: bool

# template to use for citations
# type: str

# format string to link to citation
# type: str
BIBLIOGRAPHY_CITATION_URL = "files/citation/{key}"

# format string to save citations as in generated site
# type: str
BIBLIOGRAPHY_CITATION_SAVE_AS = "files/citation/{key}/index.html"

Bibliography page
A main application of this is to create a research page that displays some collection of published research. For example, you could create a new template in your theme, bibliography.html that renders your research:
Here are the titles of my papers:
{% for ref in bibliography %}
<li>{{ ref.title }}</li>
{% endfor %}

You can't just create your bibliography in your site's content/, because the context that includes the articles, pages, bibliography, etc. is not available when your content is read. What you can do is create a new template that extends page.html or article.html, and use that template to render some text in your content tree.
A basic bibliography template is included with the plugin that tries to extend your theme's page template. Thus you could render your bibliography by adding this page to your content:
Title: My Bibliography
Template: bibliography

Here is my bibliography

View an example bibliography using the provided
Extra metadata
You can also provide additional metadata in a YAML file with the following structure:
- key: someCitationKey2020
key1: value1
key2: value2

Now the keys and values in the metadata hash associated with the citation key will be available in the corresponding ref.metadata dictionary in the bibliography.
Bibliography template
The bibliography.html default template that is included with the package has its own styling for jump links and highlighting. You can customize additional elements. For example, to style specific authors:
.ref-author[data-given="Micah J."][data-family="Smith"] {
text-weight: bold;

You can use multiple selectors to apply styles to the ref-author span with data attributes matching a certain name.
The template also has support for rendering links for each item. Add to your metadata file a key links that is a list of hashes with keys href and icon, i.e.
- key: someCitationKey2020
- href:
icon: link

Now an icon will be included that links to the given site. The exact icon is determined by fa-{link.icon}, so fa-link is a link, icon: file-pdf would lead to fa-file-pdf, etc.
Contributions are welcome and much appreciated. Every little bit helps. You can contribute by improving the documentation, adding missing features, and fixing bugs. You can also help out by reviewing and commenting on existing issues.
To start contributing to this plugin, review the Contributing to Pelican documentation, beginning with the Contributing Code section.
This project is licensed under the MIT license.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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