pemjax 0.1.0

Creator: bigcodingguy24

Last updated:

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pemjax 0.1.0

What is it?
PemJa is an open source cross language call framework based on FFI. It aims to provide a high-performance
framework of calling between different languages.
PemJaX is an extension of PemJa , specifically designed to support WindowsOS.
This package inherits all the functionalities of PemJa and introduces necessary modifications and
enhancements to ensure seamless operation in WindowsOS.
Where to get it
Python binary installers for the latest released version are available at the Python package index
pip install pemjax

Java Maven Dependency


NumPy - Adds support for large, multi-dimensional arrays, matrices and high-level mathematical functions to operate on these arrays

Installation from sources
Prerequisites for building PemJa:

Unix-like environment (we use Linux, Mac OS X), Windows
Maven (we recommend version 3.2.5 and require at least 3.1.1)
Java 8 or 11 (Java 9 or 10 may work) with $JAVA_HOME correctly set
Python >= 3.8 (we recommend version 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11)

NOTE for windows:

Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 or greater is required. Get it with "Microsoft C++ Build Tools"
The compressed package in folder dist must be uncompressed and use the following command to install pip install dist/$packageName$

git clone
cd pemja
mvn clean install -DskipTests
pip install -r dev/dev-requirements.txt
python sdist
pip install dist/*.tar.gz

String path = ...;
PythonInterpreterConfig config = PythonInterpreterConfig
.setPythonExec("python3") // specify python exec, use "python" on Windows
.addPythonPaths(path) // add path to search path

PythonInterpreter interpreter = new PythonInterpreter(config);

// set & get
interpreter.set("a", 12345);
interpreter.get("a"); // Object
interpreter.get("a", Integer.class); // Integer

// exec & eval

// invoke functions
interpreter.exec("import str_upper");
String result = interpreter.invoke("str_upper.upper", "abcd");
// Object invoke(String name, Object... args);
// Object invoke(String name, Object[] args, Map<String, Object> kwargs);

// invoke object methods
class A:
def __init__(self):
self._a = 0

def get_value(self):
return self._a

def add(self, n):
self._a += n

def add_all(self, *args):
for item in args:
self._a += item
return self._a

def minus(self, n):
self._a -= n
return self._a

interpreter.exec("import invoke");
interpreter.exec("a = invoke.A()");
interpreter.invokeMethod("a", "add", 3);
interpreter.invokeMethod("a", "minus", 2);
interpreter.invokeMethod("a", "add_all", 1, 2, 3);

// python callback java methods
from pemja import findClass

StringBuilder = findClass('java.lang.StringBuilder')
Integer = findClass('java.lang.Integer')

def callback_java():
sb = StringBuilder()
return sb.toString()
interpreter.exec("import call_back")


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