pen 0.1.0a4

Creator: railscoder56

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pen 0.1.0a4

🖋️ Pen - your command line diary

Pen allows you to quickly jot down your thoughts right from the command line.
All your journals will be stored as text, which means you can simply put them into cloud storage
or on a USB flash drive and access them from anywhere, even without Pen itself.
It takes a lot of inspiration from jrnl and
tries to create a similar interface that is just as easy to use, but Pen is
rewritten from the ground up in modern Python, aiming for a more stable
and enhanced experience. Currently, Pen is still in an early stage, but some
nice additional features are planned. If you want to try Pen out now, don't be afraid!
If you run into any problems or bugs, please be sure to
create an issue describing your problem.
Windows is currently not supported. If you want to use Pen on Windows, you can leave a
request for Windows support on the the issue tracker
or upvote an existing thread. Pen does work and is being tested on
the WSL, though.
Writing about your daily routine has been linked to therapeutic health benefits
like stress reduction
[1] [2].
For years, practitioners have used logs, questionnaires, journals and other
writing forms to help people heal from stresses and traumas.
It's not necessary to journal every single day, because it should not become a
However, when you feel like it would help get things off your mind,
when you feel stressed by something or when you just want to go through an
experience in your head again before forgetting too many details, writing it
down can be a very relieving and helpful experience.
Pen is also great just as a simple note-keeping app. You could for example
create a journal called 'code' where you briefly describe the cool new library
you learnt about today so you can go back to it later, or to describe how you
solved a difficult programming problem.
You can also use Pen to track progress in your work, in the gym or
on the race track. Having a place to note your achievements, personal records
or how much weight you lost over time is a great motivator, as you can
always look back and see how fast you progressed.
Installing Pen
It is recommend to install Pen using pipx:
pipx install pen
If you don't want to use pipx, you can also use pip:
pip install --user pen
To upgrade, either use pipx upgrade pen or pip install --user --upgrade pen
depending on how you installed Pen.
Using Pen
To write your first entry, just type pen into your command line and hit enter!
If you are transitioning from jrnl, you can instead import your old jrnls using
pen import /path/to/journals/*.
If you haven't run Pen on this machine before, a short setup dialog will start,
asking about your preferences like which editor you want to use. Pen will
always try to infer these settings from your environment variables and only ask
when necessary. You can always change the way Pen behaves by changing its
configuration which is by default located at $HOME/.config/pen. You can also
change the config file's location by exporting the PEN_HOME environment
variable before running pen. This is especially useful if you want to sync
your config using Dropbox, Google Cloud or a different cloud storage service.
(Planned) Features
To see all currently supported commands, type pen --help. To see more information
about a specific command type pen <command> --help.
The following list also gives a broad overview over the current features of Pen.
Implemented features are marked with a ✔. The list is ordered by their planned
implementation order, but the order may change at any time.


Fully text based

Uses your OS settings when possible(from environment variables)


Multiple Journals

One can be set as default

Writing/Deleting/Editing entries

Journals as single file

Plugin System
(*still being extended)based on pluggy

Extendable Import System

supports imports from jrnl

Filtering by date, tag, starred

Fast Search


Star entries (favourite)

git sync

Can use cloudto sync (Dropbox, etc.)

Journals as hierarchical directory


Custom Prompts

Store in custom file formats
✔ (1)
plugins can extend this!currently implemented: Markdown

Imports from other sources

None plannedplugins possible

[1]: Smyth, Joshua M. (1999). Written emotional expression: Effect sizes, outcome types, and moderating variables.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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