pennsieve2 0.1.2

Creator: railscoder56

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pennsieve2 0.1.2

Pennsieve Python client (pennsieve2)

Python client and command line tool for Pennsieve (pennsieve2).
In order to use this Python library to upload files to Pennsieve, please follow the instruction on installing and setting up Pennsieve agent, which could be found in the documentation.
To install, run:
pip install -U pennsieve2

To install specific previous dev version, run:
pip install -U pennsieve2==0.1.0.dev2 --extra-index-url

To update gRPC python files, execute from the src folder:
rm src/pennsieve2/protos/agent_pb2*
cd src
python3.9 -m grpc_tools.protoc --python_out=. -I. --grpc_python_out=. pennsieve2/protos/agent.proto

Notice, this command does not produce a valid file when executed for Python3.10 or formatted by black - it does not use reflection and is reported as error for Flake8.
To create a package and upload it to PyPI, first update the package version in the pennsieve2/, then execute:
python -m build
# For testing:
twine upload -r testpypi dist/*
# For production:
twine upload dist/*

Client and command line documentation can be found on Pennsieve’s documentation website.
This project uses Poetry to manage dependencies in pyproject.toml. To set up a development environment run
poetry install

from the root directory to install the projects dependencies. Some IDEs (IntelliJ Idea for example) can create a Poetry Python
environment as well.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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