pep440-version-utils 1.1.1

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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pep440versionutils 1.1.1

This package regroups utilities to deal with pep440 versioning. It is based on the
PyPA's packaging project and extends it.
It makes it easier to handle version bumps and strictly follows PEP440 specification.

Use pip or poetry to install this package:
$ pip install pep440-version-utils

# or alternatively
$ poetry add pep440-version-utils

Since this package extends the packaging library, so it supports version parsing and ordering as described
in this documentation.
To bump to a new release version:
from pep440_version_utils import Version

version = Version("1.10.2")
version.next_micro() # 1.10.3
version.next_minor() # 1.11.0
version.next_major() # 2.0.0

To bump to a new prerelease version:
from pep440_version_utils import Version

version = Version("1.10.2")
version.next_alpha() # 1.10.3a1
version.next_beta() # 1.10.3b1
version.next_release_candidate() # 1.10.3rc1

version.next_alpha("minor") # 1.11.0a1
version.next_beta("mior") # 1.11.0b1
version.next_release_candidate("major") # 2.0.0rc1

And it implements the full release cycle:
from pep440_version_utils import Version

version = Version("1.10.2")
alpha1 = version.next_alpha() # 1.10.3a1
alpha2 = alpha1.next_alpha() # 1.10.3a2
beta1 = alpha2.next_beta() # 1.10.3b1
rc1 = beta1.next_release_candidate() # 1.10.3rc1
rc2 = rc1.next_release_candidate() # 1.10.3rc2
new_version = rc2.next_micro() # 1.10.3

You can also check if a version is a specific type of prerelease:
from pep440_version_utils import Version

Version("1.10.2a1").is_alpha # True
Version("1.10.2b2").is_beta # True
Version("1.10.2rc1").is_release_candidate # True

This package doesn't support post and local versions yet. Contributions are welcome 😊
How to contribute
This package is fairly simple, here is how you can contribute:

⚙️ Install poetry
📦 In the repository folder, run poetry install
✍️ Implement the desired changes
✅ Run test, type checking and code quality checks:

$ poetry run black . --check
$ poetry run mypy */**.py --ignore-missing-imports
$ poetry run pytest --cov=pep440_version_utils

➡️ Submit a new pull request

Do not hesitate to contribue, even for very small changes!
How to release new versions

Update project version in pyproject.toml
poetry build
poetry publish


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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