perfstat 0.0.2

Creator: bradpython12

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perfstat 0.0.2

Python program for capturing performance statistics
This is a simple module that can be run from a command line or
inside another python program.
The program returns the measured times for program execution
and statistics.
Installation is simple, over PyPI. Additional library needed
is pandas
pip install perfstat

Default configurations for running are set initially for two
performance recording programs (likwid and perf) for Linux.
If you use one of these two programs you can just supply the
command for the performance of a program (here as an example is taken the ls command).
The metrics are auto-generated and the files with the results are saved at the given locations.
The most simple case is the default (the command requires sudo, so initially the system will ask
for credentials):
user@pc:~/Documents$ python -m perfstat
Run command: 'sudo likwid-perfctr -C 0 -g CLOCK ls'
Run count: 10
Measuring: ['Runtime (RDTSC) [s]', 'Runtime unhalted [s]', 'Clock [MHz]', 'Uncore Clock [MHz]', 'CPI', 'Energy [J]', 'Power [W]']
Separator: '|'
Measurements file: ''
Statistics file: ''
Float format: '%.4e'
[sudo] password for user:
Done: 100%
Runtime (RDTSC) [s] Runtime unhalted [s] Clock [MHz] Uncore Clock [MHz] CPI Energy [J] Power [W]
Run ID
0 0.0014 0.0002 3562.9367 0.0 1.4209 0.0219 15.8320
1 0.0015 0.0002 2999.8756 0.0 1.3766 0.0425 28.9588
2 0.0016 0.0002 2600.1929 0.0 1.3642 0.0240 14.8284
3 0.0016 0.0002 2801.0958 0.0 1.5310 0.0625 38.9571
4 0.0017 0.0002 2299.3991 0.0 1.3631 0.0339 19.4133
5 0.0014 0.0002 3199.4962 0.0 1.4354 0.0240 16.8569
6 0.0013 0.0002 3995.2261 0.0 1.5017 0.0587 44.6264
7 0.0017 0.0002 2399.9842 0.0 1.4123 0.0219 12.7339
8 0.0024 0.0002 1701.8149 0.0 1.4640 0.0479 19.7376
9 0.0014 0.0002 3670.1753 0.0 1.7845 0.0601 41.5754
Runtime (RDTSC) [s] Runtime unhalted [s] Clock [MHz] Uncore Clock [MHz] CPI Energy [J] Power [W]
Mean 0.001600 0.0002 2923.019680 0.0 1.465370 0.039740 25.351980
Std. dev. 0.000313 0.0000 704.950781 0.0 0.125495 0.016774 12.167161
Std. error 0.000099 0.0000 222.925011 0.0 0.039685 0.005304 3.847594
Conf. inter. 90% (min) 0.001419 0.0002 2514.372960 0.0 1.392623 0.030016 18.298905
Conf. inter. 90% (max) 0.001781 0.0002 3331.666400 0.0 1.538117 0.049464 32.405055
Conf. inter. 95% (min) 0.001376 0.0002 2418.728270 0.0 1.375597 0.027740 16.648117
Conf. inter. 95% (max) 0.001824 0.0002 3427.311090 0.0 1.555143 0.051740 34.055843
Conf. inter. 99% (min) 0.001279 0.0002 2198.550056 0.0 1.336401 0.022501 12.847931
Conf. inter. 99% (max) 0.001921 0.0002 3647.489304 0.0 1.594339 0.056979 37.856029

There are the following flags that can be supplied from the command line.

-c "command to run" The -c flag sets the command to run the performance metrics on.
(Default: "sudo likwid-perfctr -C 0 -g CLOCK ls").

-r num_of_runs This flag sets the number of runs of the above-defined command. Affects
the metric's statistics. Run counts up to 30 are treated by the Student's t-distribution,
and above 30 are treated as a regular normal distribution (z-statistics). (Default: 10).

-m "measure1,measure2,measure3" Strings defining the measured values. These are keywords that
define lines that have value. The default values are set for the likwid-perfctr, also
a predefined set exists for the perf stat command.
(Default: "Runtime (RDTSC) [s], Runtime unhalted [s], Clock [MHz], Uncore Clock [MHz], CPI, Energy [J], Power [W]". For the perf stat we have the following value: "task-clock, context-switches,cpu-migrations, page-faults, cycles, instructions, branches, branch-misses".

-s "separator" Separator between measure and values from above. (Default: "|").

-fm "measurements_file" Place where the measurements file will be recorded. (Default: "" - no
file will be made ).

-fs "statistics_file" Place where the statistics file will be recorded. (Default: "" - no
file will be made ).

-g "float_format" Format for the float value when recording files. (Default: "%.4e").

-po print_output Int (bool) that defines if the program will throw some info. (Default: 1)

-pc print_cmd_output Int (bool) that defines if the program will print every stdout from calling the command. (Default: 0).

-pv print_csv Int (bool) that defines if the program will print the measurements and statistics on the standard output. (Default: 1).


We want to run the sudo perf stat ls 30 times, on a smaller set of metrics than the default, and save the results in files. We don't need to define a separator since it is automatically set when
reading the command.

user@pc:~/Documents$ python -m perfstat -c "sudo perf stat ls" -r 30 -m "cycles,instructions" -fm "~/Documents/measurements.csv" -fs "~/Documents/stats.csv"
Run command: 'sudo perf stat ls'
Run count: 30
Measuring: ['cycles', 'instructions']
Separator: ' '
Measurements file: '~/Documents/measurements.csv'
Statistics file: '~/Documents/stats.csv'
Float format: '%.4e'
Done: 100%
cycles instructions
Run ID
0 2297607.0 1557603.0
1 2409217.0 1550675.0
2 2365400.0 1524057.0
3 2400169.0 1557315.0
4 2276937.0 1529382.0
5 2210214.0 1545919.0
6 2479832.0 1544244.0
7 2263966.0 1542431.0
8 2190710.0 1566473.0
9 2330062.0 1563216.0
10 2254009.0 1550485.0
11 2316403.0 1550825.0
12 2290797.0 1556676.0
13 2245716.0 1564225.0
14 1925554.0 1540289.0
15 2223343.0 1552700.0
16 2168010.0 1540918.0
17 2150624.0 1516970.0
18 2157178.0 1552543.0
19 2232088.0 1553093.0
20 2314820.0 1540224.0
21 2153573.0 1555339.0
22 2273797.0 1526145.0
23 2334992.0 1570076.0
24 2259947.0 1550779.0
25 2293618.0 1559691.0
26 2160072.0 1511287.0
27 2360356.0 1547945.0
28 1932100.0 1559604.0
29 2217976.0 1558192.0
cycles instructions
Mean 2.249636e+06 1.547977e+06
Std. dev. 1.191917e+05 1.442241e+04
Std. error 2.176133e+04 2.633160e+03
Conf. inter. 90% (min) 2.212661e+06 1.543503e+06
Conf. inter. 90% (max) 2.286611e+06 1.552451e+06
Conf. inter. 95% (min) 2.205129e+06 1.542592e+06
Conf. inter. 95% (max) 2.294143e+06 1.553363e+06
Conf. inter. 99% (min) 2.189654e+06 1.540719e+06
Conf. inter. 99% (max) 2.309619e+06 1.555235e+06

We want to print the results of sudo likwid-perfctr -C 0 -g CLOCK ls of 30 runs on screen:

user@pc:~/Documents$ python -m perfstat -r 30
Run command: 'sudo likwid-perfctr -C 0 -g CLOCK ls'
Run count: 30
Measuring: ['Runtime (RDTSC) [s]', 'Runtime unhalted [s]', 'Clock [MHz]', 'Uncore Clock [MHz]', 'CPI', 'Energy [J]', 'Power [W]']
Separator: '|'
Measurements file: ''
Statistics file: ''
Float format: '%.4e'
Done: 100%
Runtime (RDTSC) [s] Runtime unhalted [s] Clock [MHz] Uncore Clock [MHz] CPI Energy [J] Power [W]
Run ID
0 0.0018 0.0002 2226.0468 0.0 1.3575 0.0349 19.2939
1 0.0017 0.0002 2500.0245 0.0 1.3986 0.0365 21.4518
2 0.0015 0.0002 3581.5944 0.0 1.4945 0.0455 29.8032
3 0.0014 0.0002 3695.8744 0.0 1.4639 0.0620 45.6367
4 0.0014 0.0002 3994.0263 0.0 1.8561 0.0469 33.3140
5 0.0014 0.0002 3998.6654 0.0 1.7200 0.0428 31.3381
6 0.0016 0.0002 2800.4410 0.0 1.5302 0.0183 11.2228
7 0.0018 0.0002 2200.9816 0.0 1.3852 0.0361 19.6812
8 0.0015 0.0002 3001.8282 0.0 1.3928 0.0435 28.8160
9 0.0020 0.0002 2100.6110 0.0 1.5094 0.0496 25.2147
10 0.0016 0.0003 3888.9705 0.0 1.0907 0.1007 62.9745
11 0.0016 0.0002 3987.8630 0.0 1.9548 0.0450 27.4019
12 0.0019 0.0003 3848.1241 0.0 1.7632 0.0914 48.0189
13 0.0014 0.0002 3985.7676 0.0 1.5378 0.0959 70.0341
14 0.0014 0.0002 3900.1340 0.0 1.6443 0.0457 33.6117
15 0.0014 0.0002 3995.9067 0.0 1.4920 0.0273 19.6689
16 0.0023 0.0002 1900.0740 0.0 1.1203 0.0399 17.4767
17 0.0016 0.0002 3011.0410 0.0 1.6138 0.0610 37.4662
18 0.0013 0.0002 3987.2934 0.0 1.5493 0.0955 71.1530
19 0.0013 0.0002 3998.0156 0.0 1.5539 0.0461 36.8038
20 0.0016 0.0002 3998.0918 0.0 1.9775 0.0359 22.0043
21 0.0015 0.0002 3100.6407 0.0 1.4444 0.0491 33.0547
22 0.0016 0.0004 3933.7056 0.0 1.9139 0.0477 29.5551
23 0.0019 0.0002 2399.5110 0.0 1.6705 0.0358 19.1972
24 0.0021 0.0002 1833.1479 0.0 1.3479 0.0303 14.5428
25 0.0019 0.0002 2200.1844 0.0 1.5328 0.0358 18.5442
26 0.0018 0.0002 2300.1520 0.0 1.4223 0.0354 19.6474
27 0.0020 0.0002 2099.6418 0.0 1.5320 0.0303 15.1852
28 0.0015 0.0002 2899.9655 0.0 1.4048 0.0470 30.4260
29 0.0026 0.0007 3800.3073 0.0 4.0811 0.1438 56.0181
Runtime (RDTSC) [s] Runtime unhalted [s] Clock [MHz] Uncore Clock [MHz] CPI Energy [J] Power [W]
Mean 0.001680 0.000230 3172.287717 0.0 1.625183 0.051857 31.618570
Std. dev. 0.000307 0.000099 806.962293 0.0 0.509394 0.027188 16.089802
Std. error 0.000056 0.000018 147.330484 0.0 0.093002 0.004964 2.937582
Conf. inter. 90% (min) 0.001585 0.000199 2921.954510 0.0 1.467161 0.043422 26.627244
Conf. inter. 90% (max) 0.001775 0.000261 3422.620923 0.0 1.783206 0.060291 36.609896
Conf. inter. 95% (min) 0.001565 0.000193 2870.963044 0.0 1.434972 0.041704 25.610539
Conf. inter. 95% (max) 0.001795 0.000267 3473.612389 0.0 1.815394 0.062009 37.626601
Conf. inter. 99% (min) 0.001526 0.000180 2766.188049 0.0 1.368833 0.038174 23.521459
Conf. inter. 99% (max) 0.001834 0.000280 3578.387385 0.0 1.881533 0.065539 39.715681


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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