personalnames 0.0.3

Creator: railscoder56

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personalnames 0.0.3

# personalnames[]( Python functions for generating different formats for personal namesFor example, when parsing text (from OCR or manual transcription) for named individuals, it can be useful to know all of the forms in which a name might appear."Dr Martin Luther King, Jr."for example, might appear as "Dr. M. L. King, Jr." or as "King, Dr. Martin L., Jr.".This code will generate name variants by parsing a name (as a string), identifying prexifes and suffixes, and returning possible variants.## RequirementsPython 3.xRequired python packages are listed in `requirements.txt`.## Installation`pip install personalnames`## Usage```pythonfrom personalnames import namesname = "Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr."formats = names.name_initials( name=name, name_formats=["firstnamelastname", "lastnamefirstname"])assert sorted(formats) == sorted( [ "King, Dr. M. L., Jr.", "Dr. Martin Luther King", "Dr. M. Luther King, Jr.", "King, M. L.", "King, M. L., Jr.", "Dr. Martin L. King", "Martin Luther King", "King, Dr. Martin L.", "M. Luther King, Jr.", "Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.", "King, Dr. Martin L., Jr.", "Dr. M. L. King, Jr.", "King, Martin Luther", "King, Dr. M. L.", "King, M. Luther, Jr.", "King, Martin Luther, Jr.", "Dr. M. Luther King", "Dr. M. L. King", "Martin Luther King, Jr.", "King, Dr. M. Luther", "Martin L. King, Jr.", "M. Luther King", "King, Dr. Martin Luther", "M. L. King, Jr.", "Dr. Martin L. King, Jr.", "Martin L. King", "King, Martin L., Jr.", "King, Dr. Martin Luther, Jr.", "M. L. King", "King, M. Luther", "King, Dr. M. Luther, Jr.", "King, Martin L.", ])```There are two possible formats for name order: `firstnamelastname` and `lastnamefirstname`.Additional Options:`non_ws=True`will return the same list but with additional versions that have no whitespace.```pythonfrom personalnames import namesname = "Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr."formats = names.name_initials( name=name, name_formats=["firstnamelastname"], non_ws=True)assert sorted(formats) == sorted( [ "Dr. M. L. King, Jr.", "Martin L. King", "M.LutherKing,Jr.", "Dr.MartinL.King", "M. Luther King", "Dr.MartinL.King,Jr.", "Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.", "Dr.M.L.King,Jr.", "Martin Luther King, Jr.", "Dr.M.LutherKing", "Dr. Martin Luther King", "MartinL.King", "Dr. M. Luther King, Jr.", "Dr. M. L. King", "MartinLutherKing,Jr.", "M. L. King, Jr.", "M. Luther King, Jr.", "M.L.King", "Dr.M.LutherKing,Jr.", "Martin Luther King", "MartinLutherKing", "Dr.M.L.King", "MartinL.King,Jr.", "M. L. King", "Dr. Martin L. King, Jr.", "Martin L. King, Jr.", "Dr.MartinLutherKing,Jr.", "Dr. M. Luther King", "Dr.MartinLutherKing", "Dr. Martin L. King", "M.L.King,Jr.", "M.LutherKing", ])```# LicenseMIT LicenseCopyright Digirati Ltd. (c) 2018 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copyof this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to dealin the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rightsto use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sellcopies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software isfurnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in allcopies or substantial portions of the Software.THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS ORIMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THEAUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHERLIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THESOFTWARE.# Contribution GuidelinesPersonalnames uses Python 3.x. Feel free to raise Github issues. If you find an issue you are interested in fixing you can:* Fork the repository* Clone the repository to your local machine* Create a new branch for your fix using `git checkout -b branch-name-here`.* Fix the issue.* Commit and push the code to your remote repository.* Submit a pull request to the `personalnames` repository, with a description of your fix and the issue number.* The PR will be reviewed by the maintainer []( and either merge the PR or response with comments.Thanks!


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