personalNotion 1.4.1

Creator: railscoder56

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personalNotion 1.4.1

The base URL to send all API requests is
Link to notion API documentation:
Both request and responses are encoded as JSON.
SECRET KEY: API access require creating an "internal integration app" in python, which would produce a secret key, by which you can use to access its API services.
Message structure


JSON conventions
- "object": Type of top-level resource (e.g database, user)
- "id": Specific top level resource
- Property names -> This is in a_b format
- Temporial values -> date time in ISO 8601 string format
- Does not support empty strings (e.g. ""). Use null value instead.
Top-level resources are addressable by a UUIDv4 "id" property. You may omit dashes from the ID when making requests to the API, e.g. when copying the ID from a Notion URL.
Property names are in snake_case (not camelCase or kebab-case).
Temporal values (dates and datetimes) are encoded in ISO 8601 strings. Datetimes will include the time value (2020-08-12T02:12:33.231Z) while dates will include only the date (2020-08-12)
The Notion API does not support empty strings. To unset a string value for properties like a url Property value object, for example, use an explicit null instead of "".
Response database structure
Request structure
Response structure

Change log
[1.4.1] - 2024-06-20

Added logs to all functions, except test

[1.4.0] - 2024-06-19

pages: append_text_to_text_block function. Take a text block, and add more text to it
Pages: create_page_in_page function. Create a child page in a parent page.
Pages: add_text_blocks function. Add text blocks at the bottom of a page.
Pages: extract_data_from_encapsulations operation, to extract only ids for each block
Objective that made me create these functions: custom_logger, store log data in notion if database storing fails.

[1.3.0] - 2024-06-18

Pages: Create page in page function.

[1.2.0] - 2024-06-18

Pages: extract_data function created. (See explanation 1 in others section)
Pages: extract_all_direct_core_data_encapsulation (Using a single row, extract the data)
Pages: extract_data_from_encapsulations (apply specific rule meant for extracting specific data aspect). See explanation 2 and function source code to get a precise understanding.
table: Comment out function execution at the bottom of the file, which was meant for testing
Explanation 1: Extract the encapsulation of the data (getting as close as possible to it) using a rule for all block types. Depending on the aspect of the data you want to extract (see explanation 2), use either extract_text or extract page function for each row data. Extract the data aspect.
Explanation 2: page -> extract_page, text -> extract_text.
Why was these created: There are way too many block types and I cannot find a way to adapt previous operation to capture the core data of all various block types. Therefore, a new structure is created, where a parameter objective (currently either text or pages) is explicitly set in a parameter (data_type), and a specific pre-defined operation will be applied on all blocks, to produce outcomes that match that objective.

[1.1.1] - 2024-06-11

Init: Added shortcut to table
Table: Forgot to remove import statement to a package that does not exist (page)

[1.1.0] - 2024-06-11

Table: plain table processing script.
extract_core_table_data: table to turn raw indented data from notion server to an array of array of strings.
Incorporated generate_outcome_message function into page functions
Incorporated generate_outcome_message function into database functions

[1.0.0] - 2024-06-08

Database: Extract data from databases in notion
Page: Extract data from page
Notes: The description of the structure of the return value, because the structure of the return object has a lot of indentations and a lot of meta data. Purpose of notes is to make clear of where the core data is (e.g. text in a block).


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