PFAS-SAT-InputData 0.0.4

Creator: railscoderz

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PFASSATInputData 0.0.4


The objective of this project was to develop a comprehensive systems analysis tool (SAT) to estimate PFAS release associated with management
alternatives for a wide range of PFAS-containing wastes.

This is an early version of a model that is intended to illustrate the concept of a systems analysis tool for PFAS management. It has not yet been published or otherwise peer reviewed. The information basis for this tool, and the tool itself, are subject to significant revisions over time.

You should install Python (3.7 or newer) and Graphviz before installing the PFAS_SAT.
We recommend to use miniconda and create a new environment for the PFAS_SAT but it’s not
Here are PFAS_SAT dependencies: (These packages are available on PyPI).

PySide2: Used for creating the user interface.
stats-arrays: Used for defining uncertainty distributions.
plotly: Used for plotting Sankey diagrams.
matplotlib: Used for data visualization.
graphviz: Used for plotting the Network.
pandas: Used for storing data in tables and manipulating them.
jupyter: Used as a command-line interface.

Here are the instructions to install PFAS_SAT with miniconda:
1- Download and install miniconda from:
2- Update conda in a terminal window or anaconda prompt:
conda update conda
3- Create a new environment for PFAS_SAT:
conda create --name PFAS_SAT python=3.7 graphviz
4- Activate the environment (Windows users):
conda activate PFAS_SAT
Note: If you are using Linux or macOS:
source activate PFAS_SAT
5- Install PFAS_SAT in the environment:
pip install PFAS_SAT
6- Only for Windows user (If you are using Linux or macOS, go to the next step). Make sure that bin/ subdirectory of Graphviz which contains
the layout commands for rendering graph descriptions (dot) is on your system path: On the command-line, dot -V should print the version
of your Graphviz.
7- Open python to run PFAS_SAT:
8- Run PFAS_SAT in python:
import PFAS_SAT_InputData as ps


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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