pform 0.6.2

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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pform 0.6.2


Simple form example
Form contains three different subsystems, basic form attributes, fields and actions.
import pform
from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPFound

class EditForm(pform.Form):

label = 'Edit form'

fields = pform.Fieldset(
'name', title='Name')

def safe_handler(self):
data, errors = self.extract()

if errors:
self.add_error_message(errors) = data['name']

def cancel_handler(self):
return HTTPFound(location='.')
This form renders one field name and two actions safe and cancel (submit buttons). Now we can render this form:
from pyramid.view import view_config

@view_config(route_name='....', renderer='myview.jinja2')
def my_view(request):
form = EditForm(some_context, request)
return form()
also it is possible to use form class as view:
class EditForm(pform.Form):

fields = ...
To do additional custom form initialization just override update method, also
if update method returns dictionary this values bypasses to form template:
class EditForm(pform.Form):

def update(self):
# custom form initialization
return {some_data: some_value}
To get form values use extract method, this method return
data and errors. data is a form result, errors is a list of errors:
class EditForm(pform.Form):

def save_handler(self):
data, errors = self.extract()

if errors:

# save data

There are two ways for field and form customization:

Global customization

pform library uses player:: library for customization. pform libriary defines layer category form for all templates.

Field/form customization

Also it is possible to customize widget of input template for each field. You can pass tmpl_widget argument to to field constructor for widget customization and tmpl_input argument for input generation. Both arguments should be valid pyramid renderer path.
Form accepts three different templates, tmpl_view, tmpl_actions and tmpl_widget. tmpl_view is form renderer, tmpl_actions if form buttons renderer, tmpl_widget is custom field widget renderer. If field does not use custom tmpl_widget then form automatically sets tmpl_widget for each of this fields.

There are several example. You can find them in the examples directory at github.


Python 2.6+ or Python 3.2+

pform is offered under the BSD license.


0.6.2 (01-16-2013)

Fixed composite and options templates for Chrome

0.6.1 (01-09-2012)

Allow return additional data from action handler
Pass different context to vocabulary factory
(depends on factory argument name: request, content, context)

0.6 (01-07-2013)

Added OptionsField
BaseMultiChoiceField.missing value is [] by default
Copy field missing value during fieldset data extraction
Fixed form csrf support
Fixed ‘checked’ value for radio field
Do not use missing value if value is not validation

0.5 (12-21-2012)

Added flat attribute to field and fieldset,
with flat fieldset and composite field uses primary data
dictionary instead of sub dict

0.4.1 (12-20-2012)

Fixed FileField validation

0.4 (12-12-2012)

Added Composite field
Render str in form:error message
Removed display mode
SimpleTerm and SimpleVocabulary renamed to Term and Vocabulary
Removed from_items and from_value SimpleVocabulary methods,
use Vocabulary constructor instead
Use form layer category for form and field templates
Button class now inherits from InputField

0.3 (11-27-2012)

Allow to add str as error in Form.validate method
Better button handling
Better tanslations for Invalid messages
Changed arguments order for Invalid class contrustor
Added sub errors support to Invalid class
Added extract parameter to Button class, if extract is set then action
extract values from form, adds errors to message and pass data to handler
Added pform.button2 decorator, extract parameter is true
Added max_size and allowed_types parameters to FileField
Do not override widget’s custom tmpl_widget

0.2 (11-13-2012)

Fixed submit button template
Allow to return http response from form update or action handler
Added support for player.layout()

0.1 (11-07-2012)

Initial release


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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