pg_populator 0.0.4

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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pg populator 0.0.4

Tool: pg_populator

This program populates an already existing PostgreSQL service with:
- N databases. The specific amount of databases is parametrized through the -n argument.
- N tables inside each database. The specific amount of tables is parametrized through the -t argument.
- Some data rows inside every table. The specific amount of rows is parametrized through the -r argument.
This program will make sure that local postgreSQL service contains, at least, the amount of
databases and tables defined in the required command line arguments -n (–num_db) and -t (–num_tables) per database.
It will also add the amount of rows specified in the -r parameter.
This program will NOT delete any database, table or row.

A running postgreSQL database must be previously configured.
To make this software works, the user that runs this script must have the ~/.pgpass properly configured.
To get this done, I recommend you to use the scripts stored in the next repository:

How to’s:
Note: The next commands are meant to be run in the same that directory in which this Readme.1st file is stored.

Disable any previously activated virtualenv:

$ deactivate

Enable virtualenv:

$ source venvs/1_populate_db/bin/activate

Get the program help:

$ ./run -v

Run the tool (example):

Run the next command to create 10 databases with 20 tables and insert 100 rows each of them.
$ ./run -n 10 -t 20 -r 100


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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