phabfive 0.3.0

Creator: railscoderz

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phabfive 0.3.0

A command line tool to interact with Phabricator
The complete documentation for Phabfive can be found at Read the Docs
A summary of the currently supported features:


Get specified secret


List repositories
Get branches for specified repository
Get clone URI for specified repository
Add repository
Edit URI
Create URI (observe repository)


List pastes
Get specified paste
Add paste


Who am I: information about the logged-in user


Add comment to task
Show task summary or full details
Create multiple tasks via template config file

Example usage
Grab a Phabricator token at https://<>/settings/panel/apitokens/
export PHAB_TOKEN=cli-ABC123
echo "PHAB_TOKEN: cli-ABC123" > ~/.config/phabfive.yaml

phabfive passphrase K123

Run local development phabricator instance
First add the following phabricator.domain.tld to your /etc/hosts file
Next start the mysql instance separate from the phabricator instance with
docker compose -f docker-compose-phabricator.yml up mysql
Then after the database is up and running yo ucan start the webserver with
docker compose -f docker-compose-phabricator.yml up phabricator
This startup will take some time to setup the demo instance. Once completed you can access your instance in your browser at http://phabricator.domain.tld/. On first use you need to setup your admin account. Most development for phabfive requires an API token, create one here http://phabricator.domain.tld/settings/user/<username>/page/apitokens/
Note there is no persistance disks so if the container is shutdown any data will be lost and you have to restart
Copyright (c) 2017-2023 Dynamist AB
See the LICENSE file provided with the source distribution for full details.
0.3.0 (2023-01-13)
Maintenance release where we focus more on updating the current code and less on new features
The main new features to look for is the updated docker-compose.yml solution
Second major feature is the new maniphest app where we can query, add comment and create a batch of tasks from config file
Upgrade notes

Python support bumped up to minimum version of python 3.9

New features

Add in dependabot support to check for new python packages
#51 - Add support for rendering a batch of tickets and bulk create tickets at one time
Update support and logging feature to be more modern and better configurable from CLI
Added new dependency jinja2

0.2.0 (2022-03-17)
Update to accommodate new Python versions and updated dependencies.
Upgrade Notes

Python 2.7 support has been dropped. The minimum version of Python now supported by Phabfive is version 3.8.

Bug Fixes

#40 - Update to anyconfig API >= 0.10.0

0.1.0 (2019-11-01)
Initial release of Phabfive.
Supported Phabricator app endpoints:


New Features

#23 - Function to get clone uri(s) from repo
#22 - Functionality to create Paste
#21 - Raise exception when Conduit access is not accepted for Passphrase
#20 - Add functionality to edit URI
#19 - Feature/edit uri
#16 - Feature/observe repositories
#14 - Print data from user.whoami
#12 - Errors now print to stderr
#11 - Default to only listing active repositories
#10 - Adding shortName
#9 - Feature/get specified paste
#8 - Repositories can now be created
#6 - Avoid string default
#5 - Pastes can now be listed, sort based on title
#3 - Added Paste app

Other Notes

#24 - Enable RTD build and docs updates
#18 - Add code coverage to tox
#17 - Proper flake8 with Black
#4 - Add encrypted notification config to .travis.yml
#2 - Black-linting
#1 - Added travis


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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