phonkd-bot 1.0.2

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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phonkdbot 1.0.2

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Phonkd_bot is a free discord bot framework made with the intent to help beginner programmers learn python. It allows you to take console-based programs and convert them into discord bots by substituting the input and print functions. It takes the Discord library and abstracts all of the complex functionality to make writing these programs simpler.
Before installing phonkd_bot, you must check that Python is installed on your machine. To find out, open a command prompt (if you have Windows) or a terminal (if you have MacOS or Linux) and type this:
python --version

If a message such as "Python 3.8.10" appears, it means that Python is correctly installed. If an error message appears, it means that it is not installed yet. You must then go to the official website and install it.
Once Python is installed, you have to perform a final check: you have to see if pip is installed. Generally, pip is pre-installed with Python but we are never sure. Same as for Python, type the following command:
pip --version

If a message such as "pip 20.0.2 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip (python 3.8)" appears, you are ready to install the library. To install it, enter this command:
pip install phonkd_bot

Creating a Discord Bot
Now you will need to create a discord bot, to do so, follow these instructions:

Go to
Click New Application
Give the bot a name, agree to the terms, then click Create
(optional) give the bot a profile picture, tags, and or a description, then click Save Changes
Go to the Bot page on the side panel
(optional) give the bot a username
Click Reset Token, Yes, do it! and Copy, save the token somewhere safe
Allow Presence Intent, Server Members Intent, and Message Content Intent
Click Save Changes
Expand OAuth2 on the side panel and go to URL Generator
Check bot, this will reveal Bot Permissions, you will need to check Administrator in this new section
Scroll down, and open the generated url in another tab
Select the server to add the bot to and click Continue
Make sure Administrator is checked and click Authorize
Do the captcha (if one appears) and close the window once you see "Success!" on your screen

Setting up the environment
Create a file named config.json in the same directory as your script. Copy and paste your bot token (from into the file, it should look something like this:
"token": "MTE2nze0MDYzmzk5MTk5MTMxNg.Gm0Mnf.kmsdIjbvOZFMIs94ipxOCt70aLs3lKQsl0VaPE"

This token is not real, you will need to replace it with your own.
If you want to use this framework check out the reference documentation on the docs page. If you find issues with this library please reach out to me.
Gmail -
Github -
Find me on the Python Discord Server -
Discord Tags - Phonki#0090, slamsandwich19
Code distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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