photon-ml 0.1.2

Creator: railscoder56

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photonml 0.1.2

Photon: Machine Learning Framework
A end-to-end Machine Learning ramework that extends the functionality of other frameworks such as TensorFlow & Keras. Photon ML is built to apply neural network and ensemble modeling techniques for deep learning financial algorithms. The framework supports the entire lifecycle of a machine learning project including data preparation, model development, training, monitoring, evaluation and deployment.
Key Features of Photon ML:

Streamlines the development and implementation of end-to-end Machine Learning systems.
Custom object-oriented API with built-in subclassing of Keras and TensorFlow APIs.
Built-in custom modules such as Models, Layers, Optimizers and Loss Functions.
Highly customizable interface to extend built-in modules for specific algorithms/networks.
Detailed logging and analysis of model parameters to increase interpretability and optimization.
Works natively with TensorFlow distributed strategies.
Real-time data preprocessing; dataset splitting, normalization, scaling, aggregation & resampling.
Custom batching, padding and masking of data.
Designed to be model/algorithm agnostic and to work natively with container services.
Natively shares input & output between multiple networks to streamline deep ensemble learning.
Interface for saving, serializing and loading entire networks including learned & hyper parameters.
Custom dynamic learning rate scheduling.

Photon ML Examples:
A Collection of Algorthims/Models designed with Photon ML:


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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