phtml 0.0.1

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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phtml 0.0.1

phtml is a silly python library to generate HTML in Python like you would with a template, but refactor-oriented with a Pythonic React-like pattern based on nested components.

Component base
The base component class is Node:
from phtml import Node

form_layout = Node(
'form', # node.tag
{ # node.attrs
'class': 'foo', # node.attrs['class']
'method': 'POST', # node.attrs['method']
[ # node.children
'{{ form.as_p() }}', # node.children[0]
Node('input', {'type': 'submit'}, selfclose=True),
Casting form_layout to string will return the following:
<form class="foo" method="POST">
{{ form.as_p() }}
<input type="submit" />

While calling phtml.jinja.render(form_layout, form=YourForm()) will
return the phtml output processed with form in the context and produce the
final result.
The whole purpose is refactoring HTML generating logic into Python components:
from phtml import Form, Submit

form_layout = Form(
{'class': 'foo'},
['{{ form.as_p() }}', Submit())],

Importing on the fly
from phtml import Node

form_layout = Node.factory(
'phtml.Form', {'class': 'foo'},
['{{ form.as_p() }}', Node('phtml.Submit')],

Jinja and Materialize for the poor
Suppose you want to make a nice layout for the login form, please don’t repeat
boring and verbose code like this because somewhere in the world a cat would
probably die because of a side effect in an alternate reality or something:
from phtml import Form, Div

your_layout = Form(
Div({'class': 'row'}, [
Div({'class': 'col m6 s12'}, ['{{ form["username"] }}']),
Div({'class': 'col m6 s12'}, ['{{ form["password"] }}']),

Refactored components for the rich
Instead make a beautiful layout with reusable components:
from phtml.django.mdc import Form, Row, Col, Input

class YourLoginForm(forms.LoginForm):
_phtml = Form(
Col(m=6, s=12, Input('username')),
Col(m=6, s=12, Input('password')),

For the documentation of the constructor of each component, please
fill in their docstrings under their signature in Python code, UTSL !

Silly and Stupid context based rendering
You could render as such in jinja (or in Python without the curly braces):
{{ form._phtml.jinja(form) }}, since all rendering logic should already be
in phtml.

Thank you
Thanks a lot for reading. Hope this will serve as a useful example for anybody
on a mission to “refactor HTML in Python”.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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