phylum-ci 0.0.1

Creator: railscoderz

Last updated:

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phylumci 0.0.1

Python package for handling CI and other integrations
Local Development
Here's how to set up phylum-ci for local development.

Clone the phylum-ci repo locally
git clone

Ensure poetry is installed

Install dependencies with poetry, which will automatically create a virtual environment:
cd phylum-ci
poetry install

Create a branch for local development:
git checkout -b <name-of-your-branch>

Now you can make your changes locally.

When you're done making changes, check that your changes pass the tests:
poetry run pytest

Commit your changes and push your branch to GitHub:
git add .
git commit -m "Description of the changes goes here"
git push --set-upstream origin <name-of-your-branch>

Submit a pull request through the GitHub website


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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