physbiblio 2.1.5

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physbiblio 2.1.5

Bibliography manager in Python
by S. Gariazzo ([email protected])

PhysBiblio is a program that helps to manage bibliography, with a particular focus on High Energy Physics tools.
It is written in Python, it uses PySide6 for the graphical interface and Sqlite for the database management.
1. Getting started
PhysBiblio has been intensively tested only on Ubuntu (14.04LTS to 18.04 versions) and Manjaro Linux, using python version 3.6+.
Some tests on a virtual machine running MacOS (10.14, python 3.7) have been also performed.
It should work equally well in other operating systems or with different python versions, but it has not been tested.
In any case, several bugs are surely still present and the program may freeze or crash unexpectedly.
Please report any bug that you find here.
To install PhysBiblio into your computer, the easiest way is to use pip and the official python repositories.
If you do not have pip installed in your system, see this page.
Please note that at the moment PySide6 is only available for python versions 3.6+.
Other python versions are therefore not supported.
Simply use (user only install)
pip install --user physbiblio

or (system-wide install - discouraged)
sudo pip install physbiblio

If pip points to your python2 distribution, try the above commands with pip3 instead of pip.
Here you find a list of instructions to install and run PhysBiblio.exe using conda and related commands.
Note that the following commands have not (yet) been tested with PySide6.
conda create --name physbiblio
conda activate physbiblio
pip install physbiblio

At this point, the installation is complete.
To launch the main program correctly, once you have activated the appropriate conda environment (conda activate physbiblio), use:
python PhysBiblio.exe

(if you omit python, it will try to use the default Python installation instead of the Conda one, and fail due to missing libraries)
Additional info
At this point, PhysBiblio.exe will be installed in your computer, in Linux it will be in some folder like /usr/bin/, /usr/local/bin/ or /your/user/folder/.local/bin/.
You can find out the location where the package is installed with
pip show -f physbiblio

The primary director is under Location, you can combine with the information provided by the list of Files.
To upgrade from a previously installed version, add the option -U or --upgrade when running pip, for example:
pip install -U --user physbiblio

sudo pip install -U physbiblio

Test that everything works
Once you have installed the software, you may want to spend few minutes to run the test suite
and check that everything works.
The test suite is available through the same PhysBiblio.exe executable with the command test:
PhysBiblio.exe test
If this does not work, check that the global variable PATH is correctly configured.
The other possibility is to point to the PhysBiblio script directly, using one of the following commands:
/path/to/PhysBiblio.exe test
python /path/to/PhysBiblio.exe test
python3 /path/to/PhysBiblio.exe test

The entire suite of tests will check that all the functions work properly and should complete without errors and failures in a few minutes, depending on the internet connection speed.
A failure may be due to missing packages, incompatible package versions, particular inconsistencies due to specific operating systems and package versions, or missing internet connection (or bugs).
If you are not sure which is your case, and in any case to report any problem you find, please go here.
In case you want to run only part of the test suite, you can use the command line options (see PhysBiblio.exe test -h).
As an example, PhysBiblio.exe test -o will skip all the online tests.
To run the program, execute PhysBiblio.exe that have been installed.
By default it will run with the python version defined in your environment.
You can choose a specific python version running it explicitely via command line, for example you may select python3.8 (if installed) with
python3.8 /path/to/PhysBiblio.exe

If you use MacOS, you may have problems with the menus when executing PhysBiblio.exe.
If that is the case, try unfocusing the main window and then focusing it back, or run the PhysBiblio.exe executable with pythonw instead of regular python, for example: pythonw PhysBiblio.exe.
You may want to create a menu shortcut to PhysBiblio.
In Ubuntu, you can simply create a new file /your/home/.local/share/applications/PhysBiblio.desktop with the editor of your choice, and insert the following lines:
[Desktop Entry]

The icon may be located in /usr/local/physbiblio/icon.png or /usr/physbiblio/icon.png.
Default settings
When you first open PhysBiblio, you will need to set up some configuration parameters.
In particular, if you do not correctly set the web browser and the PDF reader, some features may not work when using the command line.
PhysBiblio depends on several python packages:

sqlite3 (for the database)
pyside6 (for the graphical interface)
ads (package to interact with the ADS API)
appdirs (default paths)
argparse (arguments from command line)
bibtexparser (to manage bibtex entries)
dictdiffer (show differences between dictionaries)
feedparser (to deal with arXiv data)
matplotlib (to do some plots)
outdated (check if new versions are available)
pylatexenc (conversion of accented and other utf-8 characters to latex commands)
requests (download json pages)
unittest (for testing the methods and functions)

2. Features
PhysBiblio has some nice features which may help to manage the bibliography. Some of them are listed here.
You may manage different profiles, each with different settings and independent databases.
It may be useful if you want to maintain separate activities or collections independently one of the other.
The default import interface can fetch and download information from INSPIRE-HEP.
The advanced import can also work with ADS, arXiv,
If an arXiv identifier is present, you can download the paper abstract from arXiv (there is an option to do this by default).
It is very easy to export some entries into a .bib file.
You can export the entire bibtex database, a selection or let the program export only the entries that you need to compile a given .tex file.
All the functions are available in the File menu.
PhysBiblio can use INSPIRE-HEP information in order to update the information of recently published entries.
You will find very easy to keep your database up-to-date with journal info, you just have to occasionally run the update function on single papers or on the whole table.
You can use this feature also to update the content of an existing .bib file.
Please note that the use of the update functions on long lists of entries is discouraged by the maintainers of INSPIRE-HEP, as it creates a lot of load on the server.
See here for an alternative and much less demanding method.
The default database contains two categories: Main and Tags.
You can add subcategories in a tree structure and filter your bibtex entries according to the classification.
Separately from categories, you can organize papers published by experiments or collaborations and insert links to the experiment web page.
When you assign a paper to an experiment, it will be classified also in the same categories of the experiment itself.
A "Download from arXiv" feature is present for all the papers with an arXiv identifier.
For the other papers, you can manually assign a PDF that you have separately downloaded and it will be stored in a subfolder.
You will not need to know where it is saved, because you will access it from the program, but in case you can use the function to copy th PDF wherever you want.
You can mark the entries to be able to easily see if they are good/bad, to notice which ones you need to read or the most interesting ones.
Search and replace
Entries in the database can be searched using different field combinations, their associated categories or experiments, marks, entry types (reviews, proceedings, lectures, ...).
The search form should be easy to understand (if not, help me to improve it and submit an issue).
You can play with the logical operators and add more fields if necessary.
You can also save a search or a replace that you need frequently, they will appear in a new menu for future use.
A pretty powerful "search and replace" function, which can use regular expressions (regex), is also implemented.
The search function is the same as in the search only case, but now you cannot select the limit and offset.
The replace fields let you select from which field you want to take the input and in which one you want to store the new string.
An additional filtering is performed when trying to match the regular expression. No match, no action.
Two (regex) search and replace examples:

To move the letter from "volume" to "journal" for the journals of the "Phys.Rev." series, use:

from: "published", (Phys.Rev. [A-Z]{1})([0-9]{1,3}) .*;
To 1: "journal", \1;
To 2: "volume", \2.

If you want to match "J.Phys. G" or other journals, change the first part of the pattern string accordingly (e.g. J.Phys. [A-Z]{1}).

To remove the first two numbers from "volume" field of JHEP/JCAP entries, use:

filter using ["jhep" or "jcap"] ("add another line" and use "OR") in "bibtex";
replace ([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2}) in "volume" with \2.

New in 0.5.0: you can now save the searches/replaces you use more frequently. They will be re-usable with two clicks in the new menu and shared among all the profiles.
New in 0.9.5: you can now re-use the recent searches/replaces that you have not explicitely saved but that have been stored temporarily in the database. They are available using the Up/Down arrows in the search/replace form.
INSPIRE-HEP has a dedicated interface for massive harvesting, see this page.
In order to avoid heavy traffic on the server when using the update functions on a long list of entries, you should rely on the OAI functions.
Basically instead of looking for each single entry, the code will download the information of all the entries modified in a given time interval and use what is needed in the local database.
In this way, the amount of data traffic is higher, but the server-side load for INSPIRE-HEP is much more sustainable.
The easiest way to do this (in Linux) is to use a cron job that will run daily or weekly and the command PhysBiblio.exe daily or PhysBiblio.exe weekly (see also 3. Command line usage).
The daily (weekly) routines will download the updates of the last day (week) from the INSPIRE-HEP database and update the local database.
To set your cron job, use crontab -e and add one of the following lines:
0 7 * * * /path/to/PhysBiblio.exe daily > /path/to/log_daily_`date "+\%y\%m\%d"`.log 2>&1
0 7 * * sat /path/to/PhysBiblio.exe weekly > /path/to/log_weekly_`date "+\%y\%m\%d"`.log 2>&1

The syntax is simple: the daily (weekly) script will run every day (every saturday) at 7:00 and save a logfile in the desired folder.
You may then check the bottom of the logfile to see the modified entries and scroll the entire the content if you want to see the complete list of modifications.
You can also use the more generic PhysBiblio.exe dates [date1[, date2]] command, which enables you to fetch the content between the two given dates (which must be in the format yyyy-mm-dd).
If not given, the default dates are the same as for the daily command.
The ADS service by NASA is accessed by means of the API, using the unofficial python client maintained by Andy Casey.
Currently, it is only possible to download the bibtex entries from ADS, update of existing entries or other features are not yet available.
The search is performed through the API in the same way it could be performed by writing a complex search string in the new UI version.
For a description of the syntax used in the ADS searches, see this page.
3. Command line usage
Some functions are available also as simple command line instructions,
so they can be included in any non-graphical script.
The usage is simple:
/path/to/PhysBiblio.exe <command> [options]

The list of available commands includes:

gui: run the graphical interface (default if no options are used).
test: execute the test suite.
citations: update citation counts from INSPIRE.
clean: process all the bibtex entries in the database to remove bad characters and reformat them.
cli: internal command line interface to work with internal commands. Mainly intended for developing.
daily: see here.
dates: see here.
export all the bibtex entries in the database, creating a file with the given filename.
If already existing, the file will be overwritten.
read one or more .tex files,
scanning for \cite or similar commands, and generate a single .bib file
with the required bibtex entries to compile the set of .tex files.
If they are in the local database, the bibtexs are just copied into the output file,
otherwise the script will connect to INSPIRE-HEP to download the entries,
which will be stored in the database and in the output file.
If outputfile exists, a backup copy will be created.
for each of the entries in the database, if required, get updated information from INSPIRE-HEP (publication info or title updates, for example).
You are encouraged not to use this function if you have a large database, see here instead.
weekly: see here.

The best ways to know how to use the various sub-commands and options are
/path/to/PhysBiblio.exe -h
/path/to/PhysBiblio.exe <command> -h

4. Data paths
PhysBiblio now saves data, by default, in the directories specified by the appdirs package using user_config_dir and user_data_dir.
Both the directories are indicated at the beginning when launching PhysBiblio.exe via command line.
The stored configuration includes a profiles.db file, containing the information on the existing profiles.
The stored data include:

a pdf/ subfolder, with the PDF for all the papers. This is usually shared among all the profiles, unless you set different paths in the configuration of each profile;
sets of .db and .log files, which contain the database and an error log for each profile.

You can change some of the paths and file names in the configuration.
Please note that changing the configuration will not move the existing files into the new locations.
5. Acknowledgments
This software is part of a project that has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 796941.
Icons adopted in the GUI are mainly from the Breeze-icons theme, from KDE.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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