pi-gpio-api 0.1.1

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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pigpioapi 0.1.1

API to access Raspberry Pi GPIO based on Python, Flask & Rpi.GPIO library. The software launches an web API that controls IO pins using the Rpi.GPIO library.
This was meant to be used to remotely control relays, thus, it only sets the outputs as high or low.
The pins are referenced through their number printed in the board. Further information about pins can be found here.



Returns a json object with the status of all pins

Returns a json object with the power pins position and description (5V, 3V3, GND)

Returns a json object with de description and status for a pin. If no pin number is given, returns the status of all io pins.

Sets up a particular pin. Receives a json object that must have the keys type and value. type must be a string with either input or output and value must be a boolean, with the status to write to the channel of the request.

Sample response
"io": [
"pin": 3,
"pin_function": "IO",
"pin_state": 1

"power_pins": [
"pin": 1,
"pin_function": "3V3 Power"

Latest release through PyPI:
$ pip install pi_gpio_api
Development version:
$ git clone git@github.com:jcapona/pi-gpio-api.git
$ cd pi-gpio-api
$ pip install -e .

The api can be run as a daemon using the gpioapi command in the Raspberry Pi shell.
$ gpioapi -h
usage: gpioapi [-h] [-H HOST] [-p PORT] command

GPIO web API controller

positional arguments:
command Control process: start, stop, restart, status

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-H HOST, --host HOST host where the web server will be listening
-p PORT, --port PORT port where the web server will be listening
This way, the API can be launched through gpioapi start and stopped through gpioapi stop.

Use as a library
In a python shell:
>>> import pi_gpio_api
>>> pi_gpio_api.app.run(host='', port=5000)
This will launch a server that listens requests on the given host & port.

Feel free to open issues, report bugs or open pull requests.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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