pic-rucio 2024.8.26.52728

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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picrucio 2024.8.26.52728

Pic rucio client
From the root folder, in an environment with python and pip installed.
pip install .
The same but will be installed in editable mode and some additional
packages needed for development will be included.
pip install -e .[dev]
pre-commit hooks
Some pre-commit hooks are included to enforce best practices. See
the pre-commit documentation
Install hooks: pre-commit install
Run hooks manually: pre-commit run --all-files
Below is a couple of scripts that facilitate other tests to interact with Rucio's server.
In each one of them, the amount and scope corresponding to the person are owed
(and in the case that the RSEs are desired, although it is not necessary).
First of all, here is a script to do simple uploads of randoms files. Then,
Replication of those files in the deterministic RSE.
See pre-commit for instructions.
gitlab-ci validates you .gitlab-ci.yml file from command-line, before you have commited wrong CI configuration to your repository!
Just as https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/lint.html does, but you don't have to open browser every time.
The better way to use it - use as pre-commit hooks.
How to package this scripts
See this guide for more instructions


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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