piccup 0.1.1

Creator: railscoder56

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piccup 0.1.1


Render HTML from Python using plain data structures, inspired by Clojure's Hiccup.
pip install piccup

piccup allows you to write HTML using plain Python data structures.
>>> p.html(['p', 'hello'])

Each HTML node is defined using [element, attributes, contents] triple. element string is required, attributes dict and contents object are optional.
>>> p.html(['a',
{'href': 'http://example.com'},
'Click Me'])
'<a href="http://example.com">Click Me</a>'

Nested HTML nodes are passed to contents.
>>> p.html(['ul',
[['li', 'first'],
['li', 'second'],
['li', 'third']]])

piccup uses simple data structures, so you can write normal Python code instead of a foreign templating language.
>>> p.html(['ul',
[['li', {'class': 'link-item'},
['a', {'href': 'http://example.com/{}'.format(e)}, e]]
for e in ['item1', 'item2', 'item3']]])
'<ul><li class="link-item"><a href="http://example.com/item1">item1</a></li><li class="link-item"><a href="http://example.com/item2">item2</a></li><li class="link-item"><a href="http://example.com/item3">item3</a></li></ul>'


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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