picklecacher-myfatemi04 0.0.1

Creator: railscoder56

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picklecachermyfatemi04 0.0.1

This program allows you to stop programs in the middle and pick up where you left off with pickle module.
Class picklecache.Picache:

directory: The directory to store the cache files in.


Creation: mycache = picklecache.Picache("./path/to/my/files")
Cache a function: @mycache(subgroup='', picache_key_gen=lambda args, kwargs: (tuple(args), tuple(kwargs.items())))
This will decorate any function. By default, it uses the args and kwargs as keys.
When the function is decorated, you can pass picache_key=... to add your own caching key
This is useful if you have something like epochs in a Machine Learning model, and can't pass in a network as a key to the output

What are subgroups?

Subgroups are added as a prefix to the key. They're just so you can use the same caching folder
for multiple functions without key collisions.
Keys are stored as a tuple, (subgroup, picache_key), so keys only have to be distinct for a certain function.

mycache = picklecache.Picache("./path/to/my/files")
def costly_function():
return 100

costly_function() # takes a long time

Reload the program.
costly_function() # instant

This time, the run is instant. Key is stored as ("MyFunction1", ((), ()))
You could also specify a custom picache_key if you wanted to.
Author: Michael Fatemi


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