picods 0.1.6

Creator: railscoder56

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picods 0.1.6

picods (pico data science) Python Library
picods is a small data science visualization tool Python library that provides
two functions - picoplot and picotable - to generate plots and tables using
matplotlib and pandas. This library is ideal for quick and simple data
exploration and visualization tasks.
The recommended way to install picods is via pip, which will download and
install the latest stable release from PyPI:
pip install picods

Alternatively, you can clone the repository from GitHub and install it manually:
git clone https://github.com/Tomcat-42/picods.git
cd picods
python setup.py install

To use picods in your Python scripts, simply import the picods module and call
either the picoplot or picotable function:
import picods

# Generate a plot
picods.picoplot(title, xs, ys, legends, colors, x_label, y_label, x_lim, y_lim)

# Generate a table
picods.picotable(title, rows, columns_labels, row_labels, round_digits, color)

The picoplot function generates a plot using the specified data, labels, colors,
and limits for the x and y axis. The function signature is as follows:
def picoplot(
title: str,
xs: Iterable[Iterable],
ys: Iterable[Iterable],
legends: List[str],
colors: List[str],
x_label: str,
y_label: str,
x_lim: Union[int, None] = None,
y_lim: Union[int, None] = None,
) -> None

title: The title of the plot
xs: An iterable of iterables containing the x values for each series
ys: An iterable of iterables containing the y values for each series
legends: A list of strings containing the legend labels for each series
colors: A list of strings containing the color codes for each series
x_label: The label for the x-axis
y_label: The label for the y-axis
x_lim: An optional integer value to set the limit of the x-axis
y_lim: An optional integer value to set the limit of the y-axis The available

plot types are:

Line plot

The picotable function generates a table using the specified data, row and
column labels, and round digits. The function signature is as follows:
def picotable(
title: str,
rows: List[List[Union[Number, str]]],
columns_labels: List[str],
row_labels: List[str],
round_digits: int = 4,
color: str = "white",
) -> None

title: The title of the table
rows: A list of lists containing the data for the table
columns_labels: A list of strings containing the labels for each column
row_labels: A list of strings containing the labels for each row
round_digits: An optional integer value to set the number of decimal places to
round the data to
color: An optional string value to set the background color of the table

Here are some examples of how to use the picoplot and picotable functions:
from picods import (picoplot, picotable)

picotable("table", [[0,1], [0,1]],["col1","col2"], ["row1", "row2"], round_digits=4, "white" )
picoplot("plot", [[0,1,2], [0,1,2]] ,[[1, 2, 4], [0, 2, 4]],["y = 2^x", "y=2*x"], ["red", "blue"], "x label", "y label")


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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