PicoTest 0.2.0

Creator: railscoder56

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PicoTest 0.2.0

Release: 0.2.0


Basic Example
Test Structure
Setup and Teadown Fixture
Fixture Injection
Skip and Todo
Extened Assertion Methods
Command-line Interface

PicoTest.py is a small but very useful testing library for Python.

Basic Example
PicoTest.py uses with statement instead of TestCase class.

Test topc or context is represented by with statement.
Test spec is represented by @test decorator.

import picotest
test = picotest.new()

with test("assertion example"):

@test("1+1 should be 2")
def _(): # 'self' is not required
assert 1+1 == 2

@test("assertion methods of unittest are avaiable")
def _(self):
self.assertEqual("Haruhi".upper(), "HARUHI")

@test("'assertTextEqual()' is available which shows diff of two texts")
def _(self):
expected = "Haruhi\nMikuru\nYuki"
actual = "\n".join(["Haruhi", "Mikuru", "Yuki"])
#actual = "\n".join(["Haruhi", "Michiru", "Yuki"])
self.assertTextEqual(expected, actual)

if __name__ == '__main__':
Output example (verbose style):
$ python examples/1_basic_test.py
* assertion example
- [passed] 1+1 should be 2
- [passed] assertion methods of unittest are avaiable
- [passed] 'assertTextEqual()' is available which shows diff of two texts
## total:3, passed:3, failed:0, error:0, skipped:0, todo:0
Output example (plain style):
$ python examples/1_basic_test.py -sp # or -s plain
## total:3, passed:3, failed:0, error:0, skipped:0, todo:0

Test Structure
Nested test structure is available.
This makes you to write tests in structured style.
import picotest
test = picotest.new()

with test("ClassName"):

with test("#method_name()"):

with test("when base is not specified..."):

@test("int('11') should be 11")
def _():
assert int('11') == 11

with test("when base is specified..."):

@test("int('11', 16) should be 17")
def _():
assert int('11', 16) == 17

@test("int('11', 8) should be 9")
def _():
assert int('11', 8) == 9

@test("int('11', 2) should be 3")
def _():
assert int('11', 2) == 3

if __name__ == '__main__':

Setup and Teadown Fixture
Setup and teardown fixtures are available.
They are provided by decorators.

Same as setUp(). Invoked before each test.

Same as tearDown(). Invoked after each test.

Similar to setUpClass(). Invoked only once before all tests.

Similar to tearDownClass(). Invoked only once after all tests.

import os
import picotest
test = picotest.new()

with test("fixtures (setup, teardown) example"):
PWD = os.getcwd()

@test.before_all # setupAll
def _():

@test.after_all # afterAll
def _():

@test.before # setup
def _(self):
self.name = "Haruhi"
self.team = "SOS"

@test.after # teardown
def _(self):

@test("fixture should be called #1")
def _(self):
self.assertEqual("Haruhi", self.name)

@test("fixture should be called #2")
def _(self):
self.assertEqual("SOS", self.team)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Fixture Injection
Fixture Injection is available which is more flexible than setup/teardown.
import os
import picotest
test = picotest.new()

with test("fixture injection example"):

def member(self):
yield "Haruhi" # use 'yield', not 'return'

def team(): # 'self' is optional
yield "SOS"

@test("fixture is injected automatically")
def _(self, member, team):
assert member == "Haruhi"
assert team == "SOS"

def tmpfile(self):
## setup temporary file
filename = "_tmpfile.txt"
with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write("SOS\n")
yield filename
## teardown temporary file

@test("temporary file is created and removed automatically")
def _(tmpfile):
assert tmpfile == "_tmpfile.txt"
with open(tmpfile) as f:
assert f.read() == "SOS\n"

if __name__ == '__main__':

Skip and Todo
PicoTest.py supports test skip and todo.

picotest.skip_when(condition, reason)
When condition is true then skip rest assertions.

Decorator to represents that “feature is not implemented yet”.

Same as:
def _():
assert False # expected failure

import picotest
from picotest import skip_when, todo
test = picotest.new()

with test("skip and todo example"):

@test("skip test when condition is true")
def _(self):
condition = True
skip_when(condition, "REASON")
assert 1 == 0 # unreachable

@test("'@todo' means 'not implemented yet'")
def _(self):
assert 1 == 0 # expected failure

test.TODO("something what you have to do #1")
test.TODO("something what you have to do #2")

if __name__ == '__main__':

Extened Assertion Methods
PicoTest.py adds some new assertion methods to unittest.TestCase class.

self.assertTextEqual(expected, actual)
Similar to assertEqual(), but diplays unified diff when actual and
expected are different text. Equivarent to assertMultilineEqual()
but available in Python 2.6 or older.
expected = "Haruhi\nMikuru\nYuki\n"
actual = "Haruhi\nMichiru\nYuki\n"
self.assertTextEqual(expected, actual)
## output:
# AssertionError: texts are not equal.
# --- expected
# +++ actual
# @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
# Haruhi
# -Mikuru
# +Michiru
# Yuki

self.assertException(function, exceptionclass[, errormsg=None])
Similar to assertRaise(), but this can check error message.
errormsg can be string or pattern object compiled by re.compile().
In addition, you can get exeption object as function.exception.
def fn(): int("foo")
self.assertException(fn, ValueError, "invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'foo'")
## or
self.assertException(fn, ValueError, re.compile(r'^invalid literal'));
## or
self.assertException(fn, ValueError)
self.assertEqual("invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'foo'", str(fn.exception))

self.assertNotException(function[, exceptionclass=Exception])
Confirms that function doesn’t raise exception.
def fn(): int("FF", 16)

Command-line Interface
PicoTest.py provides command-line interface:
$ python test/foo_test.py # run test script (verbose style)
$ python test/foo_test.py -sp # run test script (plain style)
$ python test/*.py # run all test scripts
$ python -m picotest test/*.py # run all test scripts
$ python -m picotest test # run all under 'test' directory
$ python -m picotest -h # show help
$ python -m picotest -v # print version
$ python -m picotest -sv test/*.py # or -s verbose
$ python -m picotest -ss test/*.py # or -s simple
$ python -m picotest -sp test/*.py # or -s plain
$ python -m picotest --test='...' test # filter by description
$ python -m picotest -D test/*.py # show all backtrace
picotest.main() exists process with status code which represens number
of failed or error tests:
$ python examples/1_basic_test.py -sp
[Failed] assertion example > 'assertTextEqual()' is available which shows diff of two texts
## total:3, passed:2, failed:1, error:0, skipped:0, todo:0
$ echo $?
1 # number of failed or error tests




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