pidgin 0.0.1

Creator: railscoderz

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pidgin 0.0.1

pidgin is a collection of IPython magics for creating computable essays.

if __name__ == '__main__':
%load_ext pidgin

Markdown Mode
%pidgin markdown

With `pidgin.markdown`, code cells accept markdown. Any indented code blocks are executed.

foo = 42
print(f"foo is {foo}")

> Accepting the `pidgin.markdown` convetion means the author agrees to indent all their code at least once; and sometimes more in nested lists.


With pidgin.markdown, code cells accept markdown. Any indented code blocks are executed.
foo = 42
print(f"foo is {foo}")

Accepting the pidgin.markdown convetion means the author agrees to indent all their code at least once; and sometimes more in nested lists.

foo is 42

Template Mode
With templates real data can be inserted into the computational essay. An author should desire their notebook restart and run all during template mode.
%pidgin template
Skipping the first line suppresses the markdown output.

In template mode, `jinja2` may be invoked to template markdown and code. We already know that `foo` is 42, but can test that assertion with

assert foo is {{foo}} is 42
{% for i in range(3) %}print({{i}})
{% endfor %}

In template mode, jinja2 may be invoked to template markdown and code. We already know that foo is 42, but can test that assertion with
assert foo is 42 is 42


# Turning off magics

%pidgin --off template markdown

Turning off magics
%pidgin --off template markdown

Start code with ---
%pidgin conventions

a: 42

assert a == 42

Start code with graph or digraph
!conda install -y graphviz

graph { {Ipython Julia R}--Jupyter}

File "<ipython-input-9-1661b3d05729>", line 1
graph { {Ipython Julia R}--Jupyter}
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Notebooks as source
pidgin uses notebooks as source; line numbers are retained so that the notebook source produces semi-sane tracebacks.
from pidgin import markdown, template, conventions

The pidgin loader allows an author to import notebooks directly as source. This means all of the pidgin documents are importable.
%%pidgin markdown template conventions
import readme

assert all(file.__file__.endswith('.ipynb') for file in (markdown, template, conventions))

Everything Should Compute
Convert a document into other formats; Restart, Run All, nbconvert.
%%pidgin markdown template
Use pidgin a cell magic to temporarily employ any convetions.

if __name__ == '__main__':
!jupyter nbconvert --to markdown readme.ipynb


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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