piffle 0.6.0

Creator: railscoderz

Last updated:

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piffle 0.6.0

Python library for generating and parsing IIIF Image API URLs in an
object-oriented, pythonic fashion.

Piffle is tested on Python 3.8—3.12.
Piffle was originally developed by Rebecca Sutton Koeser at Emory University as a part of Readux and forked as a separate project under emory-lits-labs. It was later transferred to Rebecca Sutton Koeser at the Center for Digital Humanities at Princeton.
Installation and example use:
pip install piffle
Example use for generating an IIIF image url:
>>> from piffle.image import IIIFImageClient
>>> myimg = IIIFImageClient('http://image.server/path/', 'myimgid')
>>> print myimg
>>> print myimg.info()
>>> print myimg.size(width=120).format('png')

Example use for parsing an IIIF image url:
>>> from piffle.image import IIIFImageClient
>>> myimg = IIIFImageClient.init_from_url('http://www.example.org/image-service/abcd1234/full/full/0/default.jpg')
>>> print myimg
>>> print myimg.info()
>>> myimg.as_dict()['size']['full']
>>> myimg.as_dict()['size']['exact']
>>> myimg.as_dict()['rotation']['degrees']

Example use for reading a IIIF manifest:
>>> from piffle.image import IIIFImageClient
>>> from piffle.presentation import IIIFPresentation
>>> manifest = IIIFPresentation.from_url('https://iiif.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/iiif/manifest/60834383-7146-41ab-bfe1-48ee97bc04be.json')
>>> manifest.label
'Bodleian Library MS. Bodl. 264'
>>> manifest.id
>>> manifest.type
>>> for canvas in manifest.sequences[0].canvases[:5]:
... image_id = canvas.images[0].resource.id
... iiif_img = IIIFImageClient(*image_id.rsplit('/', 1))
... print(str(iiif_img.size(height=250)))

Development and Testing
This project uses git-flow branching conventions.
Install locally for development (the use of a python virtualenv is recommended):
pip install -e .
Install test dependencies:
pip install -e ".[dev]"
Run unit tests: py.test or python setup.py test
Install pre-commit hooks
Anyone who wants to contribute to this codebase should install the configured pre-commit hooks:
pre-commit install

This will configure a pre-commit hooks to automatically lint and format python code with ruff and black.
Pre-commit hooks and formatting conventions were added at version 0.5, so git blame may not reflect the true author of a given change. To make git blame more accurate, ignore formatting revisions:
git blame <FILE> --ignore-revs-file .git-blame-ignore-revs

Or configure your git to always ignore styling revision commits:
git config blame.ignoreRevsFile .git-blame-ignore-revs

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