Pika-Consumer 0.0.5

Creator: railscoder56

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PikaConsumer 0.0.5

Because there isn’t one distributed with pika
An easy to use pika consumer based on the example pika asynchronous consumer. It probably works with versions of python besides 3.6, but it hasn’t been tested.

With this module installed, simply extend the pika_consumer.Consumer class and override its on_message method. The acknowledge_message method should be called in the overriden method:
from pika_consumer import Consumer

def consume_message(body):
# do stuff with the message body

class ExampleConsumer(Consumer):

def on_message(self, channel, basic_deliver, properties, body):
Then set the consumer consuming:
amqp_url = 'amqp://user:name@rabbit_host:5672/%2F'
queue = 'your_queue'
routing_key = 'your_routing_key'
exchange = 'your_exchange'
consumer = ExampleConsumer(amqp_url, queue, routing_key, exchange)

Running vagrant up will create a VM running rabbitmq and python 3.6 running an example consumer which will populate a file in the repo, example.log upon running
vagrant ssh -c '/usr/local/lib/pyenv/versions/3.6.0/bin/python /vagrant/bin/example_publisher.py'


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