pikvm-lib 0.4.2

Creator: railscoder56

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pikvmlib 0.4.2

PiKVM-Lib: A Python library for controlling/automating PiKVM Devices

PiKVM-Lib is a Python library that provides a simple and intuitive API for controlling PiKVM devices.
With PiKVM-Lib, you can easily perform various actions on your PiKVM devices, such as:

Getting system information
Controlling ATX power
Managing Mass Storage Device (MSD) images
Interacting with General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) channels
Taking snapshots and receive image
Reading snapshots with OCR and receive text representation
Send keys to the server

With PiKVM-Lib, you can automate tasks, integrate PiKVMs into your existing applications,
and extend the capabilities of your PiKVM devices.
To install PiKVM, simply run the following command in your terminal:
pip install pikvm-lib

PiKVM device control
After installing PiKVM, you can import it into your Python script and create an instance of the PiKVM class. The PiKVM class constructor takes the following parameters:

hostname: The hostname or IP address of the PiKVM device
username: The username for authentication
password: The password for authentication

from pikvm_lib import PiKVM

pikvm_instance = PiKVM(hostname="", username="admin", password="password")

Once you have created an instance of the PiKVM class, you can use it to interact with your PiKVM device.
For example, you can get the system information of the device:
system_info = pikvm_instance.get_system_info()

You can also control the ATX power of the device:

For more information on how to use PiKVM,
please refer to the official documentation: PiKVM official web and PiKVM API Reference
Usage examples
Here are some examples of how to use PiKVM to perform common tasks:

Getting system information:

from pikvm_lib import PiKVM

pikvm_instance = PiKVM(hostname="", username="admin", password="password")
system_info = pikvm_instance.get_system_info()

Turning on the ATX power:


Uploading an MSD image:


Connecting the MSD:


Switching a GPIO channel:

pikvm_instance.switch_gpio_channel(channel=1, state=1)

Take snapshot and receive OCR text:

filename="test.txt", ocr=True)

Take snapshot and receive image:

filename="test.jpeg", ocr=False)

PiKVM websocket
The PiKVMWebsocket class is a Python class that allows you to send keyboard events to a PiKVM server over WebSocket.
It provides methods for sending individual keys, key combinations, and text input.
The class also handles the connection to the PiKVM server and the parsing of the WebSocket messages.
Usage examples
from pikvm_lib import PiKVMWebsocket

hostname = "" # Replace with your PiKVM server's hostname or IP address
username = "user"
password = "password"

# Create a PiKVMWebsocket object
websocket = PiKVMWebsocket(hostname, username, password)

# Send the Ctrl+Alt+Delete key combination

# Send the text "Hello, world!"
websocket.send_input("Hello, world!")

from pikvm_lib import PiKVMWebsocket

hostname = "" # Replace with your PiKVM server's hostname or IP address
username = "user"
password = "password"

# Create a PiKVMWebsocket object
websocket = PiKVMWebsocket(hostname, username, password)

# Send the F2 key

# Send the Ctrl+B key
websocket.send_key_press("ControlLeft", "true")
websocket.send_input("b") # or websocket.send_key("KeyB")
websocket.send_key_press("ControlLeft", "false")


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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