pimdb 0.3.0

Creator: railscoderz

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pimdb 0.3.0

Pimdb is a python package and command line utility to maintain a local copy of
the essential parts of the
Internet Movie Database (IMDb) based in the TSV files
available from IMDb datasets.
The IMDb datasets are only available for
personal and non-commercial use. For details refer to the previous link.
Pimdb is open source and distributed under the
BSD license. The source
code is available from https://github.com/roskakori/pimdb.
Pimdb is available from PyPI and can be
installed using:
$ pip install pimdb

Quick start
Downloading datasets
To download the current IMDb datasets to the current folder, run:
pimdb download all

(This downloads about 1 GB of data and might take a couple of minutes).
Transferring datasets into tables
To import them in a local SQLite database pimdb.db located in the current
folder, run:
pimdb transfer all

This will take several hours, on a MacBook Pro M1 about 11 hours.
The resulting database contains one table for each dataset. The table names
are PascalCase variants of the dataset name. For example, the date from the
dataset title.basics are stored in the table TitleBasics. The column names
in the table match the names from the datasets, for example
TitleBasics.primaryTitle. A short description of all the datasets and
columns can be found at the download page for the
IMDb datasets.
Optionally you can specify a different database using the --database option
with an
SQLAlchemy engine configuration.
Querying tables
To query the tables, you can use any database tool that supports SQLite, for
example the freely available and platform independent community edition of
DBeaver or the
command line shell for SQLite.
For simple queries you can also use pimdb and look at the result as
UTF-8 encoded TSV. For example, here are the details of the top 10 oldest
people alive according to IMDb:
pimdb query "select * from NameBasics where birthYear is not null and deathYear is null order by birthYear limit 10" >oldest_people_alive.tsv

You can also run an SQL statement stored in a file:
pimdb query --file some.sql

Building normalized tables
The tables so far are almost verbatim copies of the IMDb datasets with the
exception that possible duplicate rows have been removed. This data model
already allows to perform several kinds of queries quite easily and
However, the IMDb datasets do not offer a simple way to query N:M relations.
For example, the column NameBasics.knownForTitles contains a comma separated
list of tconsts like "tt2076794,tt0116514,tt0118577,tt0086491".
To perform such queries efficiently you can build strictly normalized tables
derived from the dataset tables by running:
pimdb build

If you did specify a --database for the transfer command before, you have to
specify the same value for build in order to find the source data. These tables
generally use snake_case names for both tables and columns, for example
This will take some time, on a MacBook Pro M1 about 30 minutes.
Querying normalized tables
N:M relations are stored in tables using the naming template some_to_other,
for example name_to_known_for_title. These relation tables contain only the
numeric ID's to the respective actual data and a numeric column ordering to
remember the sort order of the comma separated list in the IMDb dataset column.
For example, here is an SQL query to list the titles Alan Smithee is known
join name on
name.id = name_to_known_for_title.name_id
join title on
title.id = name_to_known_for_title.title_id
name.primary_name = 'Alan Smithee'

For more information on which tables are available on how they are related
read the chapter about the
pimdb data model.
Where to go from here
Pimdb's online documentation describes all
aspects in further detail. You might find the following chapters of particular

Usage: all command line
options explained
Data model:
available tables and example SQL queries
obtaining the source code and building the project locally


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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